Helix 3.8 when?

Please someone get Ben Adrain a Bogner XTC
There used to be one in the building as it is modelled on several of your prior products , heck you even have access to Reinhold
I think you guys could make a great model 🙄
It already has sliders, so half the work is done.

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Please someone get Ben Adrain a Bogner XTC
There used to be one in the building as it is modelled on several of your prior products , heck you even have access to Reinhold
I think you guys could make a great model 🙄

And while at it, do a POG/HOG, too.

+1 on both

Anybody got a Cameron CCV while they are at it?

And a proper Poly Chorus/Echo Flanger
Ashton Kutcher Dude GIF
The Marshall Sliver Jubilee could likely be one of the them
Interesting he said at least 2 of the amps in 3.8 are highly requested , so it sounds like it might be a bigger focus on Amp models than FX this time
Which is cool the 2203 and Vitriol sound killer
The Marshall Sliver Jubilee could likely be one of the them
Interesting he said at least 2 of the amps in 3.8 are highly requested , so it sounds like it might be a bigger focus on Amp models than FX this time
Which is cool the 2203 and Vitriol sound killer
A Jubilee would be awesome. The 2203 definitely slays!