Helix 3.8 when?

So what’s the hipster daw?
Fun thing… I found a bunch of tapes that I remember I saved because I recorded myself playing guitar. What I forgot to remember was that in the future I would need a cassette player that can play at certain speeds or something… 4 tapes of slow motion out of tune guitar and false 18 yo introvert whispering creepy stuff…
That took me back.....phew. wish I would have kept my tascam 8 track, they fetch a pretty penny now!
There are two things that I find very annoying about Reaper:
1. Its GUI
2. Reaper people hijacking threads and turning them into Reaper discussions.
I jump between PT, Reaper and Cubase and there is nothing lacking in the GUI besides “prettiness” everything is easy to find/read and is in places that make sense, plus you don’t have to learn unique macros, stuff is where you’d expect coming from any other windows program.
I know way too many vegan people who are what reaper fans to the daw world. Of course it's not all of them, but so many are unbearable.
no you don’t.
Reaper absolutely is popular because it’s free
Do you have any evidence of that?

Its early popularity was because it was the (un)official DAW of the AARP. People wanted a solution no matter how much it cost and none of the developers were giving it to them. Look at all the OG reaper videos and pics of people running it on PT hardware. It wasn't the money, it was the features and the fact that the developers were actually listening to the end users for once. Its still far and away the most efficient DAW by miles and thus still used by DAWBench for their testing.
Do you have any evidence of that?

Its early popularity was because it was the (un)official DAW of the AARP. People wanted a solution no matter how much it cost and none of the developers were giving it to them. Look at all the OG reaper videos and pics of people running it on PT hardware. It wasn't the money, it was the features and the fact that the developers were actually listening to the end users for once. Its still far and away the most efficient DAW by miles and thus still used by DAWBench for their testing.
the fact it can be quickly and easily downloaded without opening your wallet is a MASSIVE reason it’s caught on so much. How many REAPER users are using the software to its fullest potential? 95% of users are people using it without paying, to just do basic functions at home. It’s the most obvious option to do basic audio work for hobbiests and beginners.

If it forced you to pay any amount of money for it, most of those users would use whatever else is available for free. The vast majority don’t care about all the features and customisability because they are only using it in a basic way.
Do you have any evidence of that? I see the claim all the time but funny how the actually free DAWs do not enjoy the same sort of thing. Why is that?
Do you have any evidence of that? I see the claim all the time but funny how the actually free DAWs do not enjoy the same sort of thing. Why is that?
I have no proof beyond my anecdotal experience, I don’t think anyone has any actual evidence of this stuff.

basically every single musician I’ve ever recorded in the last 15 years uses reaper, if they use windows. All the mac guys (which is most people I work with), are either Logic or Garageband. I don’t know any users in person that have paid for a licence. Of the online guys I know that have paid for a licence, a lot of their justification of using reaper is down to the price being what they deem to be fair, and they feel obligated to repay the gesture by buying a licence. Several of those guys used reaper years before finally buying.

I’m not saying all reaper users are beginners. But by having it freely available to download and use without restrictions, it’s clearly going to be in the hands of a lot more people. Makes no difference to me, you couldn’t pay me to switch to it, it’s probably my least favourite DAW (I’ve used Logic, Cubase, Reaper, Pro Tools, Maschine, Ableton, Reason, Tracktion, LUNA). The fact that it NEEDS to be heavily customised for anyone serious about using it says it all.