Fractal Talk

You’re right, my mistake. I forgot yall are more obsessed with owning gear than making good music.
Well, considering the name of the forum, you should be less surprised. :idk
Have you even answered our mandatory pickle poll yet?

However, my advice for you would be to visit the Member Music area of the forum. Lots of great guitar parts and music making there!
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You’re right, my mistake. I forgot yall are more obsessed with owning gear than making good music.

This is pretty rich; the people you're talking shit to have actually written/recorded/posted music here rather consistently in the last 2 years, however, looking at your post history, you have put forward nothing.

Celebrate Way To Go GIF by DraftKings
You’re right, my mistake. I forgot yall are more obsessed with owning gear than making good music.

Do you think that the only good painters use entry level sets of paint bought from Walmart, great novelists only write on Arby’s takeout bags, and dancers only train on uneven terrain where half of them break their ankles?

To me it’s a sign of love of your art to love related arts too. The love of tone is a love of a specific part of audio engineering, a niche within a niche. Are audio engineers by default soulless assholes who try to destroy the real art, playing well written guitar parts well? Any love of gear to me is audio engineering, which is very much an art.

Playing guitar well is its own art, and writing guitar parts well is its own. Some of us are only good at some of these things, some at all, and some at none, but pretty much everyone here loves all of these arts to one degree or another.

But make no mistake, what we are all talking about here is this audio engineering part. As was mentioned, parts of this forum deal with theory, practice, writing and so forth, and it’s fine if all you care about is stuff other than tone, but I’ll tell you from my perspective there’s nothing better to my ears than someone who expresses well written music with a fine tuned technique artfully, and, the point of the love of gear, a soulful tone.
Unrelated I went to a rehearsal last night and used the amp in the space which was Blackstar club
I missed my FM9 , the clean was flat sterile and the OD was pretty generic , it was one of the tube models EL34 but I definitely was not wowed or thought this sounds better than FAS