Fractal Talk

I really like how this sounds:

"NOTE: The new amp algorithms are more accurate than prior firmware releases. This creates various “artifacts” that real tube amps produce. These include low-frequency intermodulation distortion, “clutter”, spitting and other non-ideal behaviors. These behaviors, however, are precisely what gives tube amps warmth, dynamics and character. They go hand-in-hand. Without these, amp modeling sounds sterile and uninteresting."

5 hours left at work...

Looks like a good one!

“Remastered Vibrato Lux model”

Bummer, looks like I picked a bad time to bail :rofl
So if I run a row all the way to the end and want it to keep going I use a Send 1 block at the very end, then on next row start it with the Return 1 block and then keep my march to glory from there across the screen again to my Output.

Questions doing this.
  1. Does this do any additional A/D or something even though the signal technically never actually goes out a physical port? (I don’t think so based on the Block Guide)
  2. Does this sum to mono hitting the Send/Return blocks or retain the stereo image?
  3. The Return block is at 0 volume by default, I’m assuming 100% gets it back to unity?
I really like how this sounds:

"NOTE: The new amp algorithms are more accurate than prior firmware releases. This creates various “artifacts” that real tube amps produce. These include low-frequency intermodulation distortion, “clutter”, spitting and other non-ideal behaviors. These behaviors, however, are precisely what gives tube amps warmth, dynamics and character. They go hand-in-hand. Without these, amp modeling sounds sterile and uninteresting."

5 hours left at work...
I guess my question is if previous firmware didn't have these artifacts, were the fractal units sterile and uninteresting?

I don't think so 🤣

Just weird way to phrase it
So if I run a row all the way to the end and want it to keep going I use a Send 1 block at the very end, then on next row start it with the Return 1 block and then keep my march to glory from there across the screen again to my Output.

Questions doing this.
  1. Does this do any additional A/D or something even though the signal technically never actually goes out a physical port? (I don’t think so based on the Block Guide)
  2. Does this sum to mono hitting the Send/Return blocks or retain the stereo image?
  3. The Return block is at 0 volume by default, I’m assuming 100% gets it back to unity?

No additional A/D there, as it’s all still in the digital world.

Send and return blocks are stereo.

Yes, you’ll want to raise the return level.
I really like how this sounds:

"NOTE: The new amp algorithms are more accurate than prior firmware releases. This creates various “artifacts” that real tube amps produce. These include low-frequency intermodulation distortion, “clutter”, spitting and other non-ideal behaviors. These behaviors, however, are precisely what gives tube amps warmth, dynamics and character. They go hand-in-hand. Without these, amp modeling sounds sterile and uninteresting."

5 hours left at work...
Is this in the new AxeIII firmware? So us FM9 users have to wait longer to be realer?
No additional A/D there, as it’s all still in the digital world.

Send and return blocks are stereo.

Yes, you’ll want to raise the return level.


Eventually I need to Venmo you some cash to grab a cup of coffee on me for the Fractal tech support :ROFLMAO:

I am consulting the Block guide now at least. (But even then I don’t always trust my interpretation of it :rofl)
Man its getting hard to keep up with these constant Beta updates
If Betas keep coming up there won't be any final releases lol
Right? And to be honest, it just seems to contradict previous firmware. All the work that went in to Cyngus X and X-2... Was that for nothing if this newest firmware is redone?

Idk just seems like chasing your tail
Right? And to be honest, it just seems to contradict previous firmware. All the work that went in to Cyngus X and X-2... Was that for nothing if this newest firmware is redone?

Idk just seems like chasing your tail
I've used Fractal gear since 2008. The improvements are cumulative. It's not like everything gets ditched for each new firmware.
I've used Fractal gear since 2008. The improvements are cumulative. It's not like everything gets ditched for each new firmware.
No doubt but according to the latest firmware the previous ones have not been accurate to tube amps along with sterile and uninteresting. The whole point of fractal and what it's praised for is to be as close to 1:1 as possible to tube amps.

I'll stop being a Debby Downer 🤣 just really strange to me for Cliff to be like "out of all my awesome updates, this one is the one that makes it accurate to tube amps....the other ones were not"
That's not what he said. Maybe read it again? And then again after that?
Honestly doesn't matter but

"NOTE: The new amp algorithms are more accurate than prior firmware releases. This creates various “artifacts” that real tube amps produce. These include low-frequency intermodulation distortion, “clutter”, spitting and other non-ideal behaviors. These behaviors, however, are precisely what gives tube amps warmth, dynamics and character. They go hand-in-hand. Without these, amp modeling sounds sterile and uninteresting."

New amp algo for this firmware is being touted as more accurate and the calling card to this accuracy seems to be these "artifacts". Cliff then goes on to say without said artifacts modeling sounds sterile and uninteresting. So if these "artifacts" weren't in the previous firmwares, which it appears they were not, then previous firmwares amp modeling was sterile and uninteresting (to cliff)
But he doesn't say that artifacts weren't present before this update. Only that they are desirable. If you'd played one, you'd know they weren't absent prior to this release. Only that this release improves upon them.
I'm going to be honest and say many of us aren't going to notice huge difference.

Regardless, the way it is worded makes it seem like artifacts weren't in previous firmwares

"NOTE: The new amp algorithms are more accurate than prior firmware releases. This creates various “artifacts” that real tube amps produce."

It doesn't say "improves upon artifacts" it says "creates various artifacts".

Again, I know I'm poking the bees nest questioning a fractal update so I'll stop 🤣