Fractal Talk

That 2nd pitch block is the only thing I'd REALLY like to have in the FM9. I keep a Whammy on in every preset as a standard, enough to the point that I'd bring an additional guitar for a different tuning rather than forsake the Whammy in a single preset, but it'd be nice to have the Virtual Capo AND Whammy.
Yep, for me it's a whammy in front and a dual detune after the cab block.......always.
I may have asked about this before, but forgetting blocks and effects and talking just pure functionality... what can an FM9 not do that an Axe3 + FC12 can?
I may have asked about this before, but forgetting blocks and effects and talking just pure functionality... what can an FM9 not do that an Axe3 + FC12 can?
IR Capture.

In that same vein, Tone Match, though you could lump that into blocks/effects.

Anything that would require I/O 4 on the Axe.

FM9 has 3 expression pedal jacks, whereas the FC12 has 4. (Can you use 6 expression pedals with the Axe—2 on the unit, 4 on the FC?)

FM9 doesn’t have AES I/O.

That’s all I can really think of, though my use cases are rather simplistic, so I don’t bump into limits with most devices I’ve tried.
Care to share your patch (sans any paid IRs) so I can see under the hood?
Sure. Nothing really special though.

I have an expression knob connected to Pedal 2; it controls the wet mix.
Expression pedal 1 is always volume in front (tuner on heel down).
Expression pedal 3 is a wah (auto engage; bypass on toe down).

Hm... it won't let me attach it here. I sent it to you on the Fractal forum. At least I think? I sent it to someone. :rofl
Sweet! If I was gonna get one I'd either get the same one or the 100W EL34. My only complaint with the 100's is they're sooooo big (TWSS).

I have a 50W Stealth and it's awesome. I never use it anymore because the FM9 just does everything so well.

I's MASSIVE! However, this one is just staying at home. I have a Captor X for it as well as the Stealth 2x12 cab. I pulled the speakers from it, installed the EVH Greenbacks and it is glorious!
Does that absolutely cover everything though?

Happy to be corrected, but if my memory serves me [at all] I *seem* to recall a Post on the Fractal forums that basically said

=> Ax3 ... *best Analog I/O circuitry
=> FM9 ... a bit "lesser" than the Axe 3
=> FM3 ... a bit "lesser" than the FM9

Not %100 sure this is right ... but even if it is, its probably virtually in-audible.

Whether the AD/DA's are the same, I don't know.

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I may have asked about this before, but forgetting blocks and effects and talking just pure functionality... what can an FM9 not do that an Axe3 + FC12 can?

The stuff eggplant said plus global blocks and more instances of a lot of blocks. There might be more but those are top of mind for me.
