Fractal Talk

Here's the reality of it, I am a hobbyist, I like to tinker with analog electronics, especially guitar related electronics.
While tinkering I find interesting things, among them are plenty of "eh, nobody will ever notice" things that make me MAD, I report these things on the forum with the faith that it will get the attention it deserves.

Some things are really fucked up, like a modern modeler (run by a very capable team, mind you) without a proper JCM800, to me this was completely inconceivable so I've invested (a lot) of my time to alert the attention of the company.

For example, right now I'm tinkering with the JCM800 2203 Reissue FX Loop LTSpice simulation and checking what's the maximum input level to the loop that is also free of distortion after the recovery stage at the output.

If I ever buy the real amp I will run the same test on the real amp and if I find something particularly fucked up I will report it on the forum, or at least how to fix it yourself, or what are the optimal settings.

To me this is just as fun as playing guitar... if not more.

I love this, thanks so much for posting the picture, would you mind sharing the LTspice file?
So to my shame, I only just got around to trying out the gapless functionality. It works really well. In combination with the spillover behaviour... this can potentially kill snapshots/scenes altogether. Just turn spillover on in the global settings, design your master preset layout that never changes... and bypass blocks from preset to preset... and name them correctly.

This would give me potentially 10-12 presets on my FC-12 at once (10 if I have a dedicated tap and tuner switch) - and I could start to think of our songs as "here's a collection of tones I use across all our songs" again, rather than jumping from preset to preset and having to design specific snapshots for each song; which is a lot of work and maintenance.
If this makes it to the FM9, I’m buying one.

I’ve had the same thought that I could just make presets for the combinations that I use and arrange them in the order needed for the songs in a set. If I can wrap my head around it, might be the fastest way ever to automate my sound changes for live use and changing sets. The IF I can wrap my head around it is a big IF though, and that also leaves a lot of presets to maintain if I decide to tweak something as I often do…

I know the one huge preset with multiple copies of it for the songs and scenes for the parts approach will work for me, but I’m curious about the new possibilities opened up with instant preset switching.

My hesitation is that it’s a ton of work to set up the sounds I want and all the footswitching and layouts. It’s a ton of work to try both approaches. Would really like to figure out which will be better for me first and then only set that one up. If I did the different presets, I also probably don’t need nearly as much complexity on the foot switch layouts.

It's coming. In private beta now.

Where I'm really finding it amazing is in conjunction with Setlists. I don't have to keep a Song all within a preset now if I want to keep things switching quickly, seamlessly. I can jump around presets within a Song in a Setlist with abandon.

Sweet, I’ve got the money ready… :cool:

I was unaware of the songs and setlists functionality, had to google that. Wow that could make things super easy and make my overall preset management a lot simpler. One of the downsides to what I do in Helix is that I end up with a ton of presets and it’s easy to get lost. Here I can just update the set lists and songs and keep the overall number of presets under better control.

That also probably addresses my concerns about setting up the presets various ways.

Does the private beta include the spring reverb update? That and the instant switching are the things I most need to make the switch.

For the FW to actually be available and stable. I don’t buy a modeler unless it has everything I want/need today. I don’t buy stuff hoping it will have what I need eventually. The channel switching gaps were the reason I didn’t buy an FM9 long ago. Not buying one until they’re gone.

You be the best you. That's awesome.
Quick before and after comparison with the Jubilee model on the old/new fw

sounds great , Honestly I don't know if it me of maybe just placebo , but I am noticing the modelling really has improved again in the last month and the amps are now showing off more of their individuals characters than I have noticed before
Like listening to your pimp my Recto and Stealth videos back to back , they are both high gain tones but they sound miles apart , and the differences in tone Attack, and voicing are audibly noticeable , more than a year ago IMO
If this makes it to the FM9, I’m buying one.

I’ve had the same thought that I could just make presets for the combinations that I use and arrange them in the order needed for the songs in a set. If I can wrap my head around it, might be the fastest way ever to automate my sound changes for live use and changing sets. The IF I can wrap my head around it is a big IF though, and that also leaves a lot of presets to maintain if I decide to tweak something as I often do…

I know the one huge preset with multiple copies of it for the songs and scenes for the parts approach will work for me, but I’m curious about the new possibilities opened up with instant preset switching.

My hesitation is that it’s a ton of work to set up the sounds I want and all the footswitching and layouts. It’s a ton of work to try both approaches. Would really like to figure out which will be better for me first and then only set that one up. If I did the different presets, I also probably don’t need nearly as much complexity on the foot switch layouts.

You might want to look into the setlist functionality on the Fractals. It works pretty much like you want, you just tell which scene or preset to use for which part.

Been sitting here playing and dialing in a few tones on the FM9. I'm using my w/d/w rig with the Fender FR-12 bracketed by a pair of EV PXM-12s. Volume is around 95db. This tone is ridiculous.

Screenshot 2023-12-31 135020.png