Fractal Talk

I just asked him if he remembers any details. I want to say I’ve heard someone else tell the same story but maybe it was Carvin and not Peavey? I dunno, we shall see.
Well it looks like I'm going to have to eat crow with regards to my UPS comments.

Awkward Ed Helms GIF by The Office

UPS have delivered a day earlier than estimated and the shipping and delivery was super quick, despite the convoluted route to my door!

View attachment 15803

Regretfully, I'm going to have to put our beloved JT on ignore; because his influencer thing is starting to get super expensive for me! :rofl

Only joking about JT, of course.

The story so far: FM3 -> FM9 -> AF3.

It's only a matter of time @paisleywookiee !

Seriously: I love the format of the FM9. Just curious to see what the flagship device is like. Perhaps it won't be the right fit for me after all? View attachment 15804

Woot! congrats JD
Merry Axemas

My dad used to tell this story, no clue if it was true or not, about Peavey launching their PA line and starting a presentation off by dropping one of the power amps out of a window a few stories up, then plugging that power amp in and doing the presentation with it. More companies need to do shit like this!
Hopefully it wasn't the old CS-400 or CS-800? They'd need to first repair the hole in the floor!

I have a CS-400 I bought third-hand back in about 1998. I would not be surprised that it could take that hit and keep running...
I have a CS-400 I bought third-hand back in about 1998.

I went looking for any possible photos of Hartley dropping amps and came across this gem from the early 80s?? Damn, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who started gigging around that time who didn't rely on some sort of Peavey gear in their band. It was simply all some of us could afford! :giggle:


For the record, gigged a mic'd up OG Peavey Bandit 1x12 combo on top of a dummy 4x12 for lots of gigs in the late 70s.
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FractalAudio said:
Added Global MV control to JS410 amp models. Master Volume has been renamed Channel MV. These two master volume controls can be used to balance the tone into the power amp (as in the real amp). The Channel MV decreases the high frequencies as it is turned down whereas the Global MV is transparent.

I think the reverse is true, we introduce more capacitance to ground as Channel MV is turned up, confirmed with noise.
It's subtle shelving and only effective form 0 to about 3 on the Channel MV, but interestingly starts to rise again from 9 to 10 which agrees with Spice simulation.
I must say, Fractals RC networks are very accurate, I am pleased. 🙂

Fractal JVM410JS Channel MV Normalized, very low Global MV:
JS Channel MV.png


Yup. 3 modes on Channel 3. Extreme/IV/IIC+

Just tested, yep they are very similar, the default tonestack is "USA FAT" like the JP IIC+ so don't enable the Fat switch again.
Also, the resistor divider after the Treble pot is a fixed Input Gain control like on the JP IIC+, equals to about 60% resistance (570/956) which is about 7.5* on a Log 10% pot, currently set to 4.40 on the model.
* Closer to 9 on a true Log 10% pot.

EDIT: Seems like the internal Input Gain pot in the Fractal model is Linear, so 60% = 6.0.
EDIT2: On the JP2C Input Gain is Linear too.
On the IIC+ & IV models the Input Gain is Log like in the real amps, while on V & JP2C it's Linear and omitted from the real amps.


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I prefer my IIC+/IV with the Fat/Shift switch OFF because I get a tighter palm mutes, so the stock JP2C and V are not for me unless I change the tonestack.
Also, the Bright models add gain and tightness, which I also prefer.
On the IV I always pull Presence Shift for the standard IIC+ response.

How do you set your Mark amp?