Fractal Talk

well its not exactly like Fractal is Unusable without dynacabs, for me no rush ill pass on the Beeta and wait for release
According to what's happened to a few folks with this current FM3 beta, it might make your speakers, or your ears, unusable though.

I'm 50/50 on whether I'll try betas, but when I do, I always wait until a couple pages have been posted, just in case there's some issue that would be better to wait until they get it fixed.
Are there any good starting points for dynacabs as far as mic placement?
I actually looked up a few placements online
For the classic one mic guitar tone it says start with dynamic it is dead center and about 1 to 3 inches off the grill
I tried that , then also added a second cab ribbon on the grill but pull back the level -3.0
The cabs were Freidmans GB w dynamic V30 w ribbon
I thought about going that way before I got the Axe Fx, but then I got to thinking, this stuff is old. 30 years. What happens if/when the components start to fail? And I'm not talking about boards, because my thinking is once they've gone the first year or so, they're probably gonna last forever.

But the other components, like the encoders, push-buttons, caps, LED's..., it could end up costing more to fix it than it's worth. So you just spent..., you know, $500-$1500 or whatever, for a paperweight.

And I have no idea how/where you find someone who is even capable, and good enough, to work on them. Or even if you do, then there's shipping to worry about. Nah.

My opinion is it's best to just avoid all that stuff altogether. Stay with recent stuff, and sell it and move on before it becomes worthless. Like I didn't do. Who wants a BBE Sonic Maximizer these day?

I am! As in what are some settings people are finding that work well

It’s so quick dragging that mic around that it really takes no time finding a sweet spot. I generally start at the spot I always start on with a real cab/mic, halfway between the cone and cap, about a half-inch off the grill, but more often than not I just move the mic in a circular motion in AxeEdit and go back to the good spots and fine tune it. I don’t think I’ve spent longer than a minute dialing in the DynaCabs, unless I was mixing 2 different cabs.
Put a looper at the front of your chain. Record a riff. Loop it. Head over to the CAB block and start dragging that dot around until you like what you hear.


I was never unhappy with IRs but DynaCab just made me realize I was missing a level of control I never knew I needed until now.
Ahh thanks. Do you think at those prices it’s better to buy new with warranty (if I can hold out on the waitlist)?
I personally do think it's worth the wait. They were up to mid June last I knew

I got on the waitlist 7/13 and received my invitation yesterday 7/20. I waited 7 days for the invitation. Bought it on the spot, DONE.

And...I got a 1 year warranty. :grin (y)