Fractal Talk

This whole time we’ve thought James was influencing Cliff to get these updates done, but I recognize the pimp game is strong here; Cliff got James hooked on updates and then put him on the corner where he’s gotta work for the updates like the rest of us.

Joking aside, I play more guitar now with the Fractal (and some great plugins sometimes too) than I ever have with tube gear.

I bought an Axe-Fx Ultra from a friend with the intention of using it as a preamp into the fx return of backline amps on tour. I wasn't playing much guitar at home at the time since my recording computer had died, so hooking the Axe up to my monitors one day blew me away and was a "game changer" for playing live AND for just enjoying myself at home. I still get super excited feel the "click" of the power switch each morning when I sit down and fire it up.
Mark V has some interesting modes, Channel 2 has Mark 1, Edge and Crunch which are unique.
There's plenty of internal Relay and JFET switches in Channel 2, I imagine modeling them is an interesting task for Cliff.

A future improvement Fractal can do is model individual Channel volumes and FX Loop triodes that affect the sound (5150, Rectifer, Soldano, etc.).
Another thing is integrate the multiple individual switches that are currently separate models into one, Revv (Aggression Switch 1,2,3) and Mark (Deep, Bright, Mid-Gain, etc.).
I'm still not sure why Fractal creates separate models for cathode switches, their modeling tech is advanced enough to have these on-the-fly all in one model.
Another cool thing Fractal can add is cab impedance measurement utility in the Axe Fx III.
It's very easy to quickly solder a small dongle with a resistor, a few 1/4" jacks+plugs and wires, the AxeFx already has Headphones output and plenty of inputs.
Accurate impedance curve for your own specific cab, authenticity level: MAX.
I played a Mark V 1x12 combo, and it was completely awesome. I was shocked at how great it sounded. I didn't even turn it up. This is truly something awesome to look forward to!

I mean, this year we've gotten two of the biggest things to me that I never ever thought would happen with this generation of the hardware: movable mics and gapless switching. On top of that, I've finally embraced traditional IRs for the first time and figured out how I like to use them. It's been an incredible tone year for me, so all this is just gravy. And on top of this, all the amp and OD models, plus fundamental amp component algorithm just couldn't ask for more. Fractal really has exceeded my greatest wishes. The rest to me is just pure fun. All of these updates combined just bring all the giddy joy of playing around with tone toys into full focus. It's a gift to all guitarists.

For future improvements, the only big thing I've not understood for accuracy is the lack of Mid Cut circuit in the Herbert model. That would be an interesting thing to be available as an EQ mode in the Amp Block, so it could go wherever it actually sits in the real thing, and also to hear what it would sound like in other amps. But in the face of the embarrasement of riches we have, it's tiny.
@FractalAudio what particular incarnation of the JTM45 is the FAS model based on? I just got my JTM45 reissue back from a friend and was able to get them really close to one another pretty quickly. Pumping up the bright cap value to 500pf turns it into a great rock'n'roll amp too.

@James Freeman got any JTM45 related historical tidbits to share? From what I've heard that circuit underwent a LOAD of early revisions right?
Joking aside, I play more guitar now with the Fractal (and some great plugins sometimes too) than I ever have with tube gear.

I really like Fractal with tube gear. Why not have it all?

But with that said, if all goes well I'm going to finally unbox my FR-12 this weekend. It will be interesting to see if I prefer it with my FM9 over going into an amp and cab.
I really like Fractal with tube gear. Why not have it all?

But with that said, if all goes well I'm going to finally unbox my FR-12 this weekend. It will be interesting to see if I prefer it with my FM9 over going into an amp and cab.

I just received my FR-12 yesterday, and comparing it to my CLRs it definitely has more of a cab-in-the-room sound going for it, and it seems to maintain enough transparency to remain neutral at the same time for different presets. Having said that, I didn't think it it would be the same when compared to an actual guitar cab in the room, but I'd be keen to hear your thoughts on that when you hook it up.

I played my FM9 through mine, and will try my Axe3 a bit later today as well.

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