Everyone is sleeping when I’m here…

So christmas weekend is on its last day and things get a little “calmer” :LOL: Still have a guest or two in the house. I have standby duty 09:00 to 21:00 this week. Mostly because we have so many heatpump clients (homeowners and housing cooperatives) and have to provide support if things fail. I can sit at home though… just have to be ready to go.

Bla bla… any way. Christmas time standard breakfast for me. Moms Christmas rice porridge, with lots of cinnamon and sugar, and a slice of wort bread
with some christmas ham (just boiled ham i guess) with mustard. Thats Christmas for me :giggle:

Been thinking a lot the past two weeks about my view and relation to music and gear… I’ll be selling off most stuff (the very little I have) and narrow everything down to guitar->cable->interface (ID4) and MBA M1.

Don’t know what I’ll be using for sounds yet. I have full licenses of both Amplitube, TH-U, GR and two NDSP plugs. But I need to think hard about those because all of them offer some kind of deep diving rabbithole for my tweaker personality. Maybe the neural plugs being restricted to very few options is the best way to find “my fun” again. I don’t like neural, but admittedly their plugins are simple and sound good. Idk….
@fretworn If it's the general area that I think it is, I have very fond and vivid memories of hopping across to an island with a fantastic Japanese garden on it.

It was Fall 2004; perfect timing for seeing fiery red Japanese Maples. It was in that moment that I knew that some day I would buy a Japanese Maple of my own and I did.

I move around so much that that Maple is long gone, sold along with the house it was attached to. I still have fond memories of that island garden though. If I ever truly settle again, another Maple will be purchased.
🤔 Come to think of it, that's a really great idea. I could have bought a bonsai already! Not sure why I didn't think of it.
🤔 Come to think of it, that's a really great idea. I could have bought a bonsai already! Not sure why I didn't think of it.

I’ve done it… Funny enough in Ag zone 4, and now I live in ag zone 8b and stick to orchids

Get to buy some cool tools… Channel your Zen and be patient for a 30 year project