It's good; I haven't found any issues in terms of accuracy.
A few rando comments / observations:
- As a semi-pro UX designer I think touch requires undo -- which is lacking here. So pray you don't bump the screen and accidentally change a different parm....
- Remember when touch first came to phones and tablets, and one of the problems was that your finger would obscure the thing you were trying to change? That's sort of present here, but it's not a deal-breaker....and Boss seems to have given the parms fairly generous "hit boxes" so you can actually touch to one side of the circular sliders, etc. Something you learn to do...
- When editing a preset, the upper list of available effects is pretty lengthy (and poorly organized); there's no "ballistic" scrolling like we're all used to on phones -- you can't just flick to scroll quickly thru. The Select knob is much better for navigating this...
- Perhaps the best thing about touch is for those infrequent little tweaks where you can't remember how the damn thing works -- looking at you, FM9! I keep looking at the controls on both the GX-10 and FM9; I really think Fractal should just revisit how those controls work because there's no reason why it can't be as intuitive as it is on the Boss unit. Make it a preference; call the current control scheme "Cliff mode" and the new scheme can be called "Chucklehead mode" or whatev...
First impressions are only getting stronger: usability is really good, it's fun as hell to play with and thru, and it sounds good.
I do wish it was modular; it seems so at home on my desk that the footswitches and expression pedal are almost dead to me.
And I'm becoming a broken record but it really makes me want an FM0 more than ever. Didn't we collectively design the damn thing like six months ago?!