3.6 When ?

Care to specify? :)
Theres been issues where many people on windows can't run helix native at all, blank screens and registration looking stuff for years. To the point where tech support has thrown their hands up in many cases. Piles of threads at line 6 forums about it
Theres been issues where many people on windows can't run helix native at all, blank screens and registration looking stuff for years. To the point where tech support has thrown their hands up in many cases. Piles of threads at line 6 forums about it
I had this issue on one of my machines. I know there is some issue where it is looking at the wrong drive for the installation (iirc)? That wasn't it for me. I ended up figuring out it was because I had too many machines registered. I removed one of the systems in the list I don't use it on anymore and it worked as it should.
Even if you had zero machies registered this could happen. One related clue though may be that it seems machines registered in the line 6 system as windows 8 (even though we said no chi thing and we’re running windows 10) seemed to run fine while machines that said windows 10 in the registration seemed to have the problems. We passed that on to their tech support as well
Just got another HX Stomp (regular sized one so it fits on my pedalboard nicely), so I get to continue to talk Helix.

Here's my wish list:

- 65 Bassman
- EVH 5150 III
- Friedman Dirty Shirley
- Marshall JCM 800 (stock)
- Morgan AC20

I think the selection right now is pretty good, but the BF Bassman and standard JCM 800 are legendary amps that should really be table stakes. The 5150 III and Dirty Shirley are super popular modern classics, and the AC20 is just a really cool amp that basically sounds good at any setting. I don't think Helix has received any newer Vox-y amps in a few years right?

- EVH 5150 4x12 with EVH G12 20w
- Friedman 1x12 open back with 65w creamback
- Marshall 4x12 with G12-65's (from the 80's to match the JCM 800)

These fill in gaps and match up with the new amps a bit. The Friedman 1x12 matches up with the Dirty Shirley and would be close to the AC20 as well. The EVH cab is a little more modern and tighter compared with the V30 and T75 cabs. And a classic 80's 4x12 Marshall with G12-65's would be awesome...or maybe even an old 4x12 Jubilee with G12 Vintage speakers?

- Boss BD-2 Waza
- Boss CE-2 Waza
- Boss DC-2 Waza (Dimension C)
- EHX Small Clone
- Eventide Micropitch/Detune
- Friedman BE-OD
- Nobels ODR-1

Again here we're fine tuning. I love chorus and don't love most of the current offerings. They are okay but not as rich and deep as some of the other modelers and pedals I've used. An improved micropitch/detune would be killer, especially if it didn't eat up a ton of DSP. BD-2 and ODR-1 are pretty classic drive pedals that would be nice to have. And I think something like the BE-OD would be great when using in front of a cleaner amp or amp model.

- Adjustable bright cap
- Adjustable parameter order (for HX Stomp)
- Helix Native/HX Edit scaling for 4k
- Level meters on the HX Stomp

All pretty self explanatory. I've said elsewhere but it would be awesome to pick the order of parameters to use with HX Stomp, so I could quickly adjust things like delay level or chorus mix without paging over.
I'd love to see the ability to run any and all plugins in any slot. We were discussing DSP use over here, and honestly, we can't really figure how in the world Line6 has gotten as much stuff to run at a time as they already have, so, not holding my breath. But if the Hardware Fairy decides to make a daughterboard to boost the DSP in their somehow, that would be an amazing lease on life
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Placater Dirty preamp used as an OD pedal?

I haven't had much luck using preamps as virtual pedals. A BE-OD drive pedal should also (hopefully) be lower DSP use than a preamp, and it would also be available for HX Effects users. So lots of benefits I think.
Can you explain please ?
Nothing to explain really its just a name ive given for a Amp reworking id like to see in the next update, like they reworked the cabs made them sound better and easier to use than IR, id like to see the amps improved and give them more parameters to adjust
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id like to see the amps improved and give them more parameters to adjust
It's possible that they may make some overall improvements to the modellling engine, but I really don't see them exposing additional parameters/controls in the current gen product.
"Orion" feels like we'd be copping Fractal's astronomical names for modeling engines thing.

Notice we haven't talked about "HX" as a modeling engine in a while. Mainly because we've improved it considerably over the years and don't ever want someone saying "Oh, it's the same ol' HX engine from 2015."
Haha yes just me naming any random like kind name seeing a lot here are Fractal users , and Yes I know Helix is always Improving but what if the next update makes the new amp algorithms go to 11 :LOL: