3.6 When ?

HX Core:
- "Commonly" sized touchscreen.
- Stereo I/O.
- USB port.
- A "breakout" connector.
Note: Ideally, this unit would work with a decent typical USB-C power supply.

Nothing else. It could be argued whether there should be knobs attached to the device or not.
In addition to that, you could purchase:
- 1-3 differently sized "floor docks". In each of these, the Core unit would just fit in seamlessly. A one click action. Could as well be a more or less modular affair (instead of one device with 4 switches and another one with 8, you'd just pair those two in another one click action).
- 1-2 "desktop docks". Again the Core unit would just fit in seamlessly, this time neatly standing next to you.
Good. Because what I was thinking was “my kids are never going to let me play guitar again,” so I do hope you’re realizing the HX Babysitter soon.
I also wasn’t thinking that you were hinting at a way I could incorporate my Klon-meets-synth patch into the Neil Young cover I’m supposed to play.

Played through:

Theres an HX Wristwatch somewhere..
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Feature request bump.

I would like to have separate Poweramp models to create new sounds with the preamps models or with real preamps like Synergy etc., have a virtual fx loop, make solid state poweramps sound like tubes for any purpose, use with real Cabs etc.
Like with current Preamp models, the Poweramps are already modeled, just make them available separately with the Input at the phase inverter or driving tube and allow enough input gain to drive the phase inverter with a low signal.

Regarding modeling the Cab load and Impedance Curve;
I think Line 6 needs to find a solution to that too, I'm not asking to follow Fractal but to improve that part of modeling like you did with the new Cabs.
That may very well be too late for the current models with the baked-in impedance curves but it is not too late for a new versatile Poweramp model where the user can adjust/customize impedance curve and other parameters like amount of negative feedback etc. that interacts with the poweramp model.