3.6 When ?

Revamped amps, dont know if that's possible but more amp parameters (Something like FAS), as i have mentioned before some form of a Pultec EQ, tube pre amps like Demeter and ADA MP1, maybe some Laney amps
I also think 3.5 is too fast and 3.15 is slightly too slow, a happy medium will be great.

Could as well be a multiplier. And perhaps an additional checkbox for "increase speed exponentially when moving knob fast" (again that's what Zoom is doing).

Auto Save may not be very healthy for memory longevity, there is a reason Fractal and Line 6 don't do that.

Hm. It'd only be saved once you leave a patch, so that's possibly quite acceptable. I own my first Zoom MS-50G since around 8-9 years already, took quite some beating and it's still going strong.
On the Floor the behaviour is switchable (by default the joystick-ish encoder selects models
On my Floor I immediately set Joystick Encoder to "Selection" to move between blocks, "Model" is a terrible default if you ask me, accidentally switching models without saving is a nightmare.

As for encoder sensitivity, 0.1 steps are still too sensitive and some parameters are jumpy.
I'll have to recheck that, last time I've used my Helix Floor was after 3.5 release as I prefer using Native after I calibrated it to my audio interface.
On my Floor I immediately set Joystick Encoder to "Selection" to move between blocks,
Absolutely, so much more natural. I'd even love if it would "spill over" onto path B when you get to end of path A, instead of going back to the beginning of path A.

And here is one for "small annoying things". The page line, why does it have to be so damn thin. Even just by 2 pixels wider it would be so much more visible. Why did L6 become obsessed with thin slid... lines.

On my Floor I immediately set Joystick Encoder to "Selection" to move between blocks, "Model" is a terrible default if you ask me, accidentally switching models without saving is a nightmare.

Exactly. Chances are you'll be messing up a patch quickly. Imagine you just fooled around with one of the "big parameter" blocks (especially amp+cab but also some delays and what not) and accidentally moved the joystick - that could be quite some time lost. And it adds up.
Also, I'd actually like the lower encoder to work as a block selector.

As for encoder sensitivity, 0.1 steps are still too sensitive and some parameters are jumpy.

For me, it's mainly a combination of 2 things for the new encoder ballistics to not work well: The knobs are pretty small and yet don't offer much friction, so they feel *very* different from a typical knob you might find on an analog pedal (the knobs on all those mini pedals usually offer much more friction as a sort of compensation for their size). Ideally they'd be clicking encoders, too, just as the bigger ones (almost needless to mention that Zoom uses clicking encoders...).
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Absolutely, so much more natural. I'd even love if it would "spill over" onto path B when you get to end of path A, instead of going back to the beginning of path A.


And here is one for "small annoying things". The page line, why does it have to be so damn thin. Even just by 2 pixels wider it would be so much more visible. Why did L6 become obsessed with thin slid... lines.

And that one too!

i also think that the block bypass status' visibility isn't too great in HX Edit.

And another one: IR management. At least something deserving the name. As is, it's just plain bad (obviously still better than pre-3.x because at least IRs don't have to sit in their "original" slots anymore).
Absolutely, so much more natural. I'd even love if it would "spill over" onto path B when you get to end of path A, instead of going back to the beginning of path A.

Here's what I really think about the joystick;
It feels flimsy and it creaks when I tilt it, judging by sound and feel of it I think the plastic pivot point and axle are very prone to wear, the less I tilt it the better.
It feels flimsy and it creaks when I tilt it, judging by sound and feel of it I think the plastic pivot point and axle are very prone to wear, the less I tilt it the better.

Seriously, I never understood why the joystick was even there in the first place. It seems to be breaking (or get kinda wonky) for many people and it serves absolutely no purpose others than exposing the thing to a whooping 7 possible directions for actions of force.
One of *the* main purposes of a joystick would be that you could a) move seemlessly from A to B and b) perform diagonal movements. (a) isn't possible because it's still just "clickwise" movements (which obviously makes sense) and (b) isn't possible at all. On the Helix, everything would possibly just work as fast with a single push encoder and some arrows left, right, above and below it. Would massively reduce wear.
i also think that the block bypass status' visibility isn't too great in HX Edit.
Oh yes, something need to get more bold or something needs to get more dim.

Here's what I really think about the joystick;
It feels flimsy and it creaks when I tilt it, judging by sound and feel of it I think the plastic pivot point and axle are very prone to wear, the less I tilt it the better.
Preaching to the quire, had mine changed within warranty. It lost all clickines and was creaking like crazy. New one is certainly better but it also creaks and has a fair bit of travel, feels almost like a used part.
Using it as little as I can.
As I don't have a Helix hardware anymore, I just want Helix Native to be able to scale properly. It looks like an ugly, blurry mess on my 4K screen or alternatively a tiny window for ants. The behavior of "if you resize, you get bigger sliders" is plain stupid.

Also make the system so that scroll does not scroll the list of sliders AND adjust those sliders. One pixel difference can mean scroll vs adjust. It's pure, bad design.
And well, let me add another one: The keyboard functionality that was added to Command Center (in 2.x).
This could be absolutely fantastic, I would've likely used it a lot, it possibly would've even be a reason for me to keep the Floor - if it only was implemented properly. But it's not. In fact, implementation is pretty bad.
I'm aware of this being a pet peeve of @Digital Igloo, so he'll perhaps get all angry with me - but that doesn't change much regarding my opinion. And as I don't know of anyone regularly using it, as there's also very little folks (if any) raving about it, it simply can't be the best thing ever since sliced bread.
Ok, now:
Why-oh-why is that a patch based thing? That alone hardly does make *any* sense. But it'd possibly still make a little sense if the keyboard command function wasn't only available through Command Center, which will only work along with Stomp mode.
So, you have your patches set up, all is fine and dandy, decided on a switch layout and assigned all your stomp switches. Now you feel like adding a laptop running Ableton Live to your jamming setup and control it via the awsome Helix-as-a-keyboard function. Well, just forget about it. You'd have to modify and re-save each and every of your patches while compromising several switching options.
No, just no.

When this feature was introduced, I was instantly amazed, set up some things to control Logic - and even if it was just a handful of functions that I assigned, it was already marvellous. But the moment I realized that I had to re-tweak each and every of my recording patches for live usage and vice versa, that was it.

In other words: Please make that a global affair, including a) a dedicated option to switch to that kind of control mode and b) presets for different settings (key commands will very likely be very different in a recording vs. a live situation).
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As I don't have a Helix hardware anymore, I just want Helix Native to be able to scale properly. It looks like an ugly, blurry mess on my 4K screen or alternatively a tiny window for ants. The behavior of "if you resize, you get bigger sliders" is plain stupid.

Also make the system so that scroll does not scroll the list of sliders AND adjust those sliders. One pixel difference can mean scroll vs adjust. It's pure, bad design.

Every bit these! And almost as annoying in HX Edit.
For native, there should also be an option to "capture" arrow cursor movements, so you could scroll through things using the keyboard arrows. Plenty of other plugins are doing it that way and I usually find it to be excellent (as said, should be optional).
But should we not posting these ideas on Idea scale Instead ? That is where L6 look at for Improvements no ?
One has to wonder through out of all the Helix's Sold how many folks really talk or write about improvements, only place I see is Here, TGP, and L6 forum but there its mostly about issues and problems, all other sites i frequent barley mention L6 or any modeller for that fact, so I'm pretty sure its a very small percentage
We try to be reasonable people…really. 😊
TGF tends to attract power users, so there's notably less of the following:
  • "Why isn't Helix's [specific model or feature out of many hundreds] as good as this one specific expensive pedal that does only one thing really well and had an entire team spend two years developing nothing but that one thing?"
  • "Why does Helix sound worse than my tube amp?" [Many hours of other posters asking about their playback system] "Oh, it's a [redacted] PA speaker, but why should that matter?"
  • "A company shamelessly ripping off UI/UX and feature implementation (or hacking and stealing code) is no worse than modeling amps in general."
  • KNOBS!
Just kidding, @the-trooper. You know I love ya'.