What are we watching now?

Which seems weird as I am assuming Lasso had enough of a following to finish up proper?
Yeah, this really is the million (probably more, actually) dollar question. I'm pretty sure Lasso is Apple TV's most successful show. Why would they stop at a mere 3 seasons? My best guess is a crucial cast member had had enough.

I still generally enjoyed it a bit more than you it sounds like.
I'm not quite finished yet. (Must be very close, though.) I've actually really enjoyed the last couple of episodes I watched - enough that I felt self-conscious about being such a prick in my last post LOL. I think that Amsterdam detour just hit peak cringe for me.

Jamey's accent went worse for some strange reason. And I continue to think it's got to hurt when Roy talks
100%. Roy just about breaks the 4th wall a couple of times, saying he hates what Ted's done to him - when in fact he hates what the writers have done to him.

Still, I agree with you and @laxu overalll - it's good, heartfelt stuff on the whole.
I think there were probably 2 seasons of material crammed into a single season. Which seems weird as I am assuming Lasso had enough of a following to finish up proper?
Apparently there were rumors of Jason Sudeikis wanting to do something else and the writers as well. Usually it's something like this or shows getting canceled because they cost too much to make or they don't become hits right out of the gate.

The last one is a reason why Netflix cancels many of their series. They don't seem to understand that a series finding its vibe or people watching becoming aware of it can take time, especially with so many streaming services today. I think for example Parks & Recreation could have easily been canceled after the first season if it had been a Netflix series. It really improves so much for seasons 2+ whereas season 1 seems like it tries to be a The Office variant.

I still haven't given Succession a go. As someone who loves Arrested Development, Succession has a similar premise but might not work for me because it seems its characters are just assholes. AD's cast are also all terrible people but there's still a likeability to them. I feel that was what made me not like Curb Your Enthusiasm while I do like Seinfeld which also has likeable, but terrible people.
Verdict? I love the series, but haven’t had a good time to watch it yet since the kids are forcing me to watch their s**t since theyve been out of school. :ROFLMAO:

Ya know, it’s black mirror :rofl

That is to say, I enjoyed it. Some slow burns but generally good payoffs
I’ve been trying to trudge through Silo. If I didn’t know better I’d guess this is a jj abrams show. It follows his usual recipe of an opener episode that creates a genuinely interesting mystery followed by a dozen episodes that don’t address it and instead focus on the endless drama of a dozen characters nobody cares about.

Def getting the impression that first episode wrote s bunch of checks the plot can’t cash. Feels like Lost all over.

Severance was great though.
Verdict? I love the series, but haven’t had a good time to watch it yet since the kids are forcing me to watch their s**t since theyve been out of school. :ROFLMAO:
We've finished it as well. I enjoyed some episodes more than others. The first was probably my favorite; that's definitely worth an hour of your time. Some of the others just have that plodding "grim AF for the sake of being grim AF, but were we actually entertained or challenged?" thing that Black Mirror can sometimes descend into.

Hard to discuss the season in any detail without spoilers.
We've finished it as well. I enjoyed some episodes more than others. The first was probably my favorite; that's definitely worth an hour of your time. Some of the others just have that plodding "grim AF for the sake of being grim AF, but were we actually entertained or challenged?" thing that Black Mirror can sometimes descend into.

Hard to discuss the season in any detail without spoilers.
laughs in first episode of the entire series :oops::rofl
We're casting around for our next series (having enjoyed Servant more than we expected.) I keep bouncing off shows after one episode. In the past I'd have acknowledged that it usually takes 2-3 episodes for anything to get going, but there are so many options now - and so many duds - we're just a little more defensive with our time.

Tried and failed to care about a single character in Yellowstone; tried and failed to enjoy disliking the characters in Righteous Gemstones (even though this is Danny McBride's express purpose in life LOL); and last night we started an alternate history Sci-Fi thing called Hello Tomorrow which looked really interesting but then bored us half to death. Has anyone else here watched any of these? Is there reason to expect improvement? (I know Yellowstone is hugely popular, but I think that one is just not my cuppa.)
We're casting around for our next series (having enjoyed Servant more than we expected.) I keep bouncing off shows after one episode. In the past I'd have acknowledged that it usually takes 2-3 episodes for anything to get going, but there are so many options now - and so many duds - we're just a little more defensive with our time.

Tried and failed to care about a single character in Yellowstone; tried and failed to enjoy disliking the characters in Righteous Gemstones (even though this is Danny McBride's express purpose in life LOL); and last night we started an alternate history Sci-Fi thing called Hello Tomorrow which looked really interesting but then bored us half to death. Has anyone else here watched any of these? Is there reason to expect improvement? (I know Yellowstone is hugely popular, but I think that one is just not my cuppa.)
Have you watched Vice Principals? I think it is much better than Gemstones for those same purposes on the McBride tip. And you get Walton Goggins doing what he does \m/
Yeah, that. But Black Mirror is like potato chips. Whether you like it or not, there's always the curiosity of what the next episode will entail.
I think we are caught up on it other than this season and whatever turd with Miley Cyrus I refuse to watch? :poop:
Have you watched Vice Principals? I think it is much better than Gemstones for those same purposes on the McBride tip. And you get Walton Goggins doing what he does \m/
Love both actors in other vehicles (Eastbound and Down and Justified, respectively.)

I feel like I watched Vice Principles for a bit and it didn't "take". (I don't do great with academic themes LOL.) I'll try to circle back, though.
Love both actors in other vehicles (Eastbound and Down and Justified, respectively.)

I feel like I watched Vice Principles for a bit and it didn't "take". (I don't do great with academic themes LOL.) I'll try to circle back, though.
They are both doing what they do best, imo. It's awkward in that they are not behaving in any way a staff member at a school should; but that's what makes it funny :rofl The sister from gemstones is on it too and she is ridiculous! She needs to be in more stuff!
They are both doing what they do best, imo. It's awkward in that they are not behaving in any way a staff member at a school should; but that's what makes it funny :rofl The sister from gemstones is on it too and she is ridiculous! She needs to be in more stuff!
So what's your take on Righteous Gemstones? Should I give it another hour or two? I mean, I knew these characters were going to be weird and corrupt and whatever- that being the point - but I'm just not finding any charisma either way. (Except for the former Satan worshipper and probable recovering coke-head based on his weirdly anodyne demeanor - he's hilarious. :rofl )
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So what's your take on Righteous Gemstones? Should I give it another hour or two? I mean, I knew these characters were going to be weird and corrupt and whatever- that being the point - but I'm just not finding any charisma either way. (Except for the former Satan worshipper and probable coke-head based on his weirdly anodyne demeanor - he's hilarious.)
It's weird. We watched the first season and liked it enough? I love all the people in it and think they've been historically hilarious in all kinds of things? I think the vibe I get from it is that it's too slick for how raunchy it wants to be? I don't know if that even makes sense. But Eastbound and Workaholics and Vice Principals had more of a "still going up the rollercoaster of comedy" thing whereas this feels like "Jim Carrey after Ace Ventua and Dumb and Dumber" where the magic is kind of gone.
It's weird. We watched the first season and liked it enough? I love all the people in it and think they've been historically hilarious in all kinds of things? I think the vibe I get from it is that it's too slick for how raunchy it wants to be? I don't know if that even makes sense. But Eastbound and Workaholics and Vice Principals had more of a "still going up the rollercoaster of comedy" thing whereas this feels like "Jim Carrey after Ace Ventua and Dumb and Dumber" where the magic is kind of gone.
Yeah, that makes sense. I guess it was inevitable that we'd reach a point where "McBride doing that McBride thing" (aka being a hilarious douche) wasn't going to surprise us anymore. In the small time we watched, he seemed to be trying to play it a little straight, which combined with the Scooby Doo blackmail setup, van and all, kind of killed the comedic potential.