What are we watching now?

I hate everyone in that theater :ROFLMAO:Not you everyone else

I will say; the daughter click noise was oft putting. 9/10 film otherwise.

I'll probably watch it again on my own at some point. The audience was completely gripped for the first half. There was even a deathly silence among the crowd after the pivotal incident as we were in shock.

I don't know why it went the other way after.
I'll probably watch it again on my own at some point. The audience was completely gripped for the first half. There was even a deathly silence among the crowd after the pivotal incident as we were in shock.

I don't know why it went the other way after.
I CAN see a Friday night teenage horror audience going "what the fuck family drama bullshit is this?". I saw it in the theater and loved it. I think it's a work of art. Not everybody likes the same stuff though. Curious to see if you do end up liking it if you give it another go. It reminds me a lot of the Shining actually.
Rewatched Hereditary again for the first time in forever. What a FANTASTIC goddamn movie this is. I truly forgot. If you are a person that thinks no one makes good movies anymore and you love psychological horror; its a must see. Prove yourself wrong.

Smarter than my usual horror tastes but a masterpiece with the bonus of some of the best performances I've ever seen. Creepy story, atmospheric, great score and killer visuals. Phenomenal.
I just watched this the other day as well. Awesome movie.
Also been binging all of the Friday the 13th movies. Even Jason Takes Manhattan 🤣
I fucking hate Friday the 13th 7: The New Blood. Tina is a n n o y i n g, with a capital "AH!" "The MPAA raped my movie." Yeah, okay John Carl Buechler. I love John's work as far as effects go (well, not Halloween 4; I think he pulled the mask before it was fully cured, but he supposedly had the cast that Don Post used), but he used Friday the 13th 7 as a calling card for his effects company. It was meant to be an effects reel with a meaningless plot/story and nothing else much to offer. By the way, Jason without the makeup "does look like shit" to quote Dennis Hopper. He apparently wanted even more of that shit in the film.

Jason Takes Manhattan, on the other hand, is much more enjoyable.
Tried The Killers from 1964. It felt like a shitty TV show, so we bailed, and now we're trying Death Watch from 1980. This one is really cool so far. I love Harvey Keitel always, and I'm fucking loving Romy Schneider. She plays her role with a great quiet intelligence and confidence of the style you just don't see in many movies. Makes me want to hang out with her.
Hereditary is so incredible. I wish I could show it to my wife, but the grief of the mother would be too much for her to take. I thought it was just so well done. I think the only thing I regretted was that Gabriel Byrne was underutilized. He's such a great and cool actor, and I felt like he might've been wasted in that.
Hereditary is so incredible. I wish I could show it to my wife, but the grief of the mother would be too much for her to take. I thought it was just so well done. I think the only thing I regretted was that Gabriel Byrne was underutilized. He's such a great and cool actor, and I felt like he might've been wasted in that.
Actually, I think the underutilization was what made his performance. He's trying to keep his shit for his families sake and be the SANE one. Throughout. His performance at the table after the big fight, his scene at the stoplight where he microloses it; perfection.