Watched a bunch of stuff over the holidays.
Couple of John Carpenter things. "Someone's Watching Me" and a re-watch of "The Fog". "Someone's Watching Me" was solid. Basically Lauren Hutton plays an oddly irritating character in what felt like a Columbo-less episode of Columbo if it were reimagined as a made for tv, bloodless, sexless giallo? Despite that terrible description

; it was actually pretty enjoyable.
"The Fog" is awesome in my book. Hugely underrated. Sci-fi slasher with the best qualities that 1980 could deliver in every direction. Love the visuals and the vibe and definitely noticed the upgrade in score between "Someone" and Carpenter's soundtrack/score of "The Fog". MASSIVE improvement. Dude's music is

I re-remember how much I love this flick everytime I give it a go \m/
Watched new Hugh Grant A24 thing last night ("Heretic"). I tend to get bored with a lot of A24 stuff because I'm too dumb for a lot of it

This flick was great. Hugh Grant's performance as well as the 2 mormon girls were excellent. Creepy vibe and the subject matter (basically let's debate religion) was right up my alley. Little verbose and in different actors hands; it might have flat. Grant and the actresses really delivered so it was very enjoyable. I can see why it made some best of lists this past year.