The Food Thread

Used to ski the UP in the late 1970s as a kid from Chicago.

scared homer simpson GIF
In Iron and Copper Mining towns in Upper Michigan that Shepherd's/Cottage Pie was turned into
something called a Pasty. Which is really just a northern lattitudes version of an Empanada. :LOL:

You could stick it in your pocket and go work deep in the mines and then eat a couple. It's just
a folded pie/pastry style dough with some kind of meat and potatoes in it, and often carrots
and onions.

Here we go again
Ryan Reynolds Movie GIF
Super delicious and super easy fellers …

Quick boil some jalapeños onion and garlic for 15 mins … whir up in food processor and emulsify (add 1/2 cup of a neutral tasting oil)



(I ended up adding poblano and Anaheim plus habanero)
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Gonna try and experiment with a few dishes that include them this week. Just not sure where to start. Caesar Salad? :idk
Gonna try and experiment with a few dishes that include them this week. Just not sure where to start. Caesar Salad? :idk

Super easy… We used to make this table side

If you got a nice big wooden bowl, throw some salt in the bottom of it, rub a garlic clove into the salt and get the garlic oil all over the bowl (remove) and with a fork and spoon mash 2 anchovy fillets into the bottom.

You need a coddled egg. Put the yolk of the coddled egg with the anchovies and mix/emulsify by hand.

Add EV Olive oil and red wine vinegar with a little lemon juice. Blend.

Toss in your Romaine lettuce (cut tips off and feed the chickens), croutons; toss finish with grated parmigiana and cracked black pepper
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