
I really like Fractal. I admire the hell out of Cliff and I love that he didn't take $#!‡ from the trolls at "The Other Place," even if it meant getting booted. :( He genuinely seems to enjoy bringing new toys, sounds, and capabilities to the masses.

EDIT: Omitted wholly appropriate yet ultimately unnecessary finger-wagging at a company that's not Fractal.

Although there's clearly quite a bit of overlap, I kinda see the Fractal customer as a bit different from the Helix customer anyway. TGF is definitely the type of forum I'd expect to attract Fractal users, and that's great, because I'm probably more of a Fractal-type user than I am a Helix-type user anyway.
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I'm using Helix Native a lot right now. I would be using my Helix Floor, but .... alas.... the screen accident :(

The Axe is great, but I do find it a bit finnicky and I go down rabbit holes with it that I don't with Helix. It's not bad by any means, but I may not even keep it. I'm really not sure. I love it and what it can do, I just use about 2% of it. Whereas with Helix, I use 96% of it.
I really like Fractal. I admire the hell out of Cliff and I love that he didn't take $#!‡ from the trolls at "The Other Place," even if it meant getting booted. :( He genuinely seems to enjoy bringing new toys, sounds, and capabilities to the masses, whereas certain other companies appear to concern themselves primarily with market share and "knocking Line 6, Fractal, and Kemper down a peg." One company's employees/artists/friends/whatever were slinking around the Line 6 booth at NAMM a full year before their box came out, saying things to attendees like "Oh man, I wouldn't bother. Helix is dead once [Company]'s box drops." And on the main show floor, someone at the same company's sister brand told a Line 6 employee "Oh, one of our goals is to put [Line 6's sister brand] out of business." Not sure if the Line 6 guy's badge was visible or not but would that make it better... or cringier?

And Cliff would never consider personally reaching out to Line 6 employees on LinkedIn in order to snipe them. At least two companies tried that; one succeeded. That is some slimy dudebro douchebaggery right there.

Whereas M@, Cooper, and others from Fractal have always been super nice and cool as hell. Cliff's immensely fortunate to have them.

Although there's clearly quite a bit of overlap, I kinda see the Fractal customer as a bit different from the Helix customer anyway. TGF is definitely the type of forum I'd expect to attract Fractal users, and that's great, because I'm probably more of a Fractal-type user than I am a Helix-type user anyway.

Cliff and all the Fractal crew are genuinely stand-up guys, and I love what they do.

Honestly, if I were state-side, I'd be hitting you guys or Fractal (or even Source Audio, love them too!) up for a job. Alas... I'm a limey bassssttttaaarddddd.

If the 'other' box is the ... ahem... commonly talked about box on this forum other than the Fractal stuff... then I think you had the last laugh really. The HX eco-system has multiple products on the market, they're all stable, regularly get features added to them, and you're not running things like a complete shit show.

Also I don't think you guys get enough credit for putting all of the M-Series effects into Helix. That was a stroke of genius in my opinion!
A lot of this is pretty terrible, but...why does LinkedIn exist if not for providing a way to market/find professionals with a necessary skill set/experience set? I mean, obviously there are slimy ways to go about it and less slimy ways to go about it, but there are looooooads of industries where it is perfectly normal to be sitting at your desk and get a cold call asking about whether you'd have interest working for a competitor. At one point in my former career it became a running thing where if you noticed a colleague close their office door for 10-15 minutes, you'd pop down to get the skinny on who was on the lookout now. The good folks were genuinely just reaching out to let you know there was interest and would politely thank you for your time if you immediately said no, or were happy to simply talk and network-build if you gave a "I'm happy where I am, but would love to learn more and let you know a bit more about me so we can both continue to...Link In our networks".
Nah bro, it's wank. You've been brainwashed.
A lot of this is pretty terrible, but...why does LinkedIn exist if not for providing a way to market/find professionals with a necessary skill set/experience set? I mean, obviously there are slimy ways to go about it and less slimy ways to go about it, but there are looooooads of industries where it is perfectly normal to be sitting at your desk and get a cold call asking about whether you'd have interest working for a competitor. At one point in my former career it became a running thing where if you noticed a colleague close their office door for 10-15 minutes, you'd pop down to get the skinny on who was on the lookout now. The good folks were genuinely just reaching out to let you know there was interest and would politely thank you for your time if you immediately said no, or were happy to simply talk and network-build if you gave a "I'm happy where I am, but would love to learn more and let you know a bit more about me so we can both continue to...Link In our networks".
There's absolutely nothing wrong with jumping ship to a competitor to further one's career, nor is there anything wrong with reaching out to a competitor's employees. (I get offers occasionally as well, and was thiiiis close to jumping ship in early 2018. Thankfully I didn't because that entire department was shuttered a year later.)

In this case, it's very much a "slimy way to go about it" thing. The point is, Cliff ain't slimy.
Love your contributions to the forums and all, but this kinda gossip dump type stuff that has zero to do with the gear...meh.
Eh, I fully expect the masses to not care about industry shenanigans. After all, Be#®!%&e®'s doing phenomenally well and has more than its share of defenders.
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Explain that. Or put your bollocks on the table and prepare to have a horny clawed up cat walk over them.
"Hey potential customers, representative of company pot here. I've got some fact-based inuendo I'd like to tell you about company kettle. This one time, representative of company kettle spread fact-based innuendo about company pot to potential customers."
Being a SLIGHTLY reductionist, but my sober reading of DI's post:. "Hey potential and/or existing customers lemme tell you, company X is so bad. They had their employees go and tell potential and/or existing customers that our products were bad/outdated. I mean, who does that? Here are some other things I, an employee of a competitor of company Y, would like to share with potential and/or existing customers about the bad things company X has done".

Which seems awfully pot/kettle to me.

There are plenty of aspects of Neural's business practices, as they relate to the gear itself as experienced by the customers, that we can all talk/complain about. I'd be mildly curious about DI's thoughts on some of this (thought your question was excellent), but I don't really care if the goal of Dark glass owners/employees is to put Ampeg out of business, I care about the gear that Dark glass and Ampeg make and how I may or may not find that gear useful.
Fair enough; I've edited my post.

But honestly, I don't think it's my business to discuss another company's product unless elements of said product reflect sketchy business practices (stolen code, trade dress infringements, refusing to pay licensing fees, etc.). Otherwise, the gear should always stand on its own. For example, I'd have zero public-facing opinion of the BOSS GT-1000's—I dunno, let's say their footswitch assign management—unless it happened to be nigh-identical to how Helix assigns and manages footswitches (it's not), despite there being many dozens of different original methods to assign and manage footswitches, several of which are better than what we designed for Helix back in 2012.

There are enough things about Helix that drive me nuts without feeling the need to poke holes in others' original designs.
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