I don't like to point fingers on these threads, but i think that guy is physically unable to enjoy guitar gear
Literal back-to-back comments from a couple days ago in TGP. On the HX Stomp selling at a $100 discount in some retailers:
"likely too much inventory or need more sales vs something new coming. I do find it interesting that a new flagship isnt expected in 2023/24. I guess the concept of advancing software in a vg hardware unit is becoming the norm more and more which is cool."
On the rumors about Headrush introducing profiling support, and backporting it to older units:
"not me. I hope this is a new software modeling/effects platform thats not compatible to past units: its time to update the algos. If they are lazy they will do as you say and just make a box like thier others that adds profiling..meh...So i would hope they up the game in their modeling and effects: its due."
It's like... be happy with
something, man.