New Headrush pedalboard: Headrush Prime

Yeah, it's maddening that Fractal has this blocks library and even provides premium artist blocks during their Christmas promotions....but you can only use them if you loaded them from Axe/FM3/FM9 Edit. There's no way to access them if you're not plugged up to a computer.

Just annoying craziness. It would absolutely obviate SO many complaints about getting around on Fractal hardware, but that and a number of other QoL improvements go ignored year after year. It's not cool, and I find myself getting more annoyed with every year I own my FM9.
I really tohught this was going to be implemented in the new VP4, but no. One of the few things that its keeping me from buying one.
Just finished watching Fanton's review of the flex prime and I'm impressed for what this little devices offers at that price.

And the first thing I thought when I saw the blocks' presets is that @FractalAudio should copy this implementation cuz it's just genius, it basically combines global blocks, blocks library and channels into a single easy to use feature.
Just finished watching Fanton's review of the flex prime and I'm impressed for what this little devices offers at that price.

And the first thing I thought when I saw the blocks' presets is that @FractalAudio should copy this implementation cuz it's just genius, it basically combines global blocks, blocks library and channels into a single easy to use feature.

You're talking about his 2-hour 18-minute video with no chapters?!?!

Not gon be able to do it...
I agree, when Boss innovated this, like 6-7 years ago, it was a great thing I wish the others had done. I didn't know Fractal had adopted it. It is much more elegant than scenes and having to build these huge monolithic patches that try to do everything.

The other way to solve this is to use supplemental pedals. There are so many good, affordable solutions. I just added an IR-X to act as a "global block" preamp. I'm headed in that direction. If I need a global anything, I am more inclined to just buy an individual pedal and add it to my setup.

If I was going to upgrade to a new MFX flagship processor, this is one of the things I would look for.

Its crazy that new modelers come out like TMP and QC and they get disqualified from consideration for missing some basic things. Or that Line6 hasn't adopted it and is all in with scenes.
If boss added it 6-7 years ago then it was Fractal who did it first, cuz the axe fx II already had global blocks when I first bought it 10 years ago
Boss did it out of the gate in the GT1000. I don't know how that corresponds to the Fractal roadmap, but I believe it was something they added later. I honestly don't remember the timing of it, fractal could have done it first but on TOP everyone was pretty impressed with the idea. 2016? 2018?
Axe fx II had it since its release in 2011, according to this article from the time:

And it seems even the axe fx standard had it but just for the amp block.

Hype on TOP shouldn't be taken seriously in any case 😅
Its weird, but it seems the current FM3/9 don't have it anymore, according to google.
It's been said previously in this thread: among fractal products only Axe FXs have global blocks, they're not and never been available on the fm3, fm9, vp4, ax8 and fx8.
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Boss did it out of the gate in the GT1000.

Boss came out with a precursor ages ago. Starting with the GT-5 they had custom amps that you could globally modify (they also had settings saved with just the patch back then, so it was a bit of a hermaphrodite approach).

I feel like the term "global blocks" as well as "favorites" get tossed out there as being the same but I am not quite sure if they are

They defenitely get mixed up a whole lot in these discussions. Which is why I unfortunately don't trust any statements anymore (even if they seem to hold some water) unless I can actually *see* things working (or it's mentioned in a manual).
The amount of times I got told to use favourites, block presets and what not, when I was asking for global blocks, is astounding.

Fun fact: It's possibly been the first time I really clashed with some folks at TOP (in the mega Helix thread I think) because at first some folks wouldn't even understand the difference between the two/three - but when they did, they were like "nobody needs that anyway, do your homework and prepare your patches at home, anyone having to adjust settings live is a pathetic loser and not worth to even been heard, so just crawl back into your miserable german cave and never get back to us killer sound programmers, you're not worthy!"
"nobody needs that anyway, do your homework and prepare your patches at home, anyone having to adjust settings live is a pathetic loser and not worth to even been heard, so just crawl back into your miserable german cave and never get back to us killer sound programmers, you're not worthy!"
Wow, it's so realistic. If I squint my eyes I could almost swear I was at TOP.
Fun fact: It's possibly been the first time I really clashed with some folks at TOP (in the mega Helix thread I think) because at first some folks wouldn't even understand the difference between the two/three - but when they did, they were like "nobody needs that anyway, do your homework and prepare your patches at home, anyone having to adjust settings live is a pathetic loser and not worth to even been heard, so just crawl back into your miserable german cave and never get back to us killer sound programmers, you're not worthy!"
That sounds a lot like the reactions I get around these parts for daring to say that Headrush actually got a few things right or even heaven forbid, better than Fractal or Line 6…
I just tested it on my Headrush Pedalboard and unfortunately it doesn’t work quite the way I remembered… It works more like Helix favorites.
If I change the parameters of an effects preset and save the new settings, overwriting the existing preset, other rigs using the same effects preset do not get the new settings. They stay at the settings they were at when the were last saved. And you have to manually recall the effects preset for the block in that rig in order for it to reflect the changes.
So I guess they don’t quite work as global blocks.
Uh, too bad, I was kinda full of hope already...

Anyhow, many thanks for checking and getting back!
Actually, I just figured out a work-around that lets you use effects block presets as global presets:
You can set scenes on the Headrush to recall effects presets. And these recall the effects preset settings as they were when they were last saved. So as long as you’re using scenes, you are good to go. That’s probably why I got it to work the first time I used it (this was 18 months ago so I forgot by now…)