New Friedman head? Friedman Vintage

$2800 preorder up on SW. No effects loop? I know he is probably trying to stay true to the OG but he added various mods so why not a loop lol

Idk, I knew what the price would be (albeit I thought it would be $3000+) but that is just a lot of $$$$ for what it is imo.

But it does sound great!
Cool. Another Plexi. Sounds like a Plexi.
$2800 preorder up on SW. No effects loop? I know he is probably trying to stay true to the OG but he added various mods so why not a loop lol

Idk, I knew what the price would be (albeit I thought it would be $3000+) but that is just a lot of $$$$ for what it is imo.

But it does sound great!

This amp its not aimed for those that want en FX Loop, he has plenty of other amps to fulfill that. This amp is pure Plexi tones and EVH tones. Eddie didn't need an FX Loop to conquer the world!
No effects loop? I know he is probably trying to stay true to the OG but he added various mods so why not a loop lol
FX loops sound like absolute ass on amps with a PPIMV. Its going to mush up anyway, so either shove it before the input and find a way to make it work, or tap a line level by using a cab or load and run the FX there. OR just go for a BE/Smallbox/DS/Runt etc that are more suitable for that and already purposefully designed to have those conveniences.
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kind of ceriatone kit-build vibes. I really like the offset look, I think its a nice nod to that era of 60's Marshalls (and Park's).
Totally agree. I do wish Friedman had chosen some other color tolex, just to kind of highlight this is not your grandma's Plexi.

IMO this style of amp looks fantastic with a dark green tolex and I'm amazed that color scheme is on almost no production amp out there.