New Friedman head? Friedman Vintage

Official name is Friedman PLEX, $2,799.99. No fx loop and only 2 inputs.

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Given the price of this is $3849, that doesn't seem the worst price.

Although in the UK these are £1900 new, and I expect the Friedman to cost about double that here. If you want an FX loop on a 1959 use a powerstation instead, FX going through a distorted phase inverter sounds like ass.
Channels internally bridged on the Friedman, so no need for 4 inputs.
The Friedman has a bright switch on the Normal channel as well.
The Suhr has the Fat Cap switch and a Mid Boost switch.
Channels internally bridged on the Friedman, so no need for 4 inputs.
The Friedman has a bright switch on the Normal channel as well.
The Suhr has the Fat Cap switch and a Mid Boost switch.
I tried the bright cap in the normal channel for a while and didn't used it that much so I took it off. Maybe for people that use a plexi with single coils, but there is an extra fat cap mod that can be done in the amp that I like more than plugging in the NC.
I tried the bright cap in the normal channel for a while and didn't used it that much so I took it off. Maybe for people that use a plexi with single coils, but there is an extra fat cap mod that can be done in the amp that I like more than plugging in the NC.

yeah, I don't think a Bright Switch on the Normal Channel is that useful.

I got the Suhr SL67 MK II about a month ago. Killer amp
it could easily be a 1200$ amp like it is in Europe
I think for US made, Heyboer (or equivalent) transformers etc its probably unlikely to be that cheap. That's sort of Ceriatone pricing.

Modulus JTM50 kit fully assembled (with F&T and Mallory 150 caps etc) comes to £1100 odd, Mojotone is presumably similar. Marshall can get away with being more affordable because of the scale of their production and doing things totally in house.

Not saying the Friedman is good value, or what I'd go for. But if you want a US made amp that's done to Dave Friedman's spec that pricing is probably about right.
I have zero interest in a pure Plexi design, and would rather have a "plexi-voiced" amp with hotrodded sounds, like the Smallbox or Metroplex. Luckily those exist, and for roughly the same price.

I don’t care if it’s a pure Plexi design, but a lot of my favorite sounds in a Plexi are clean, edge of breakup, and light gain. I love using them with a Tele for Brad Paisley type of country tones.

So I’m not as interested in a Plexi style amp that is geared towards hotrodded, heavier distortion.
I have zero interest in a pure Plexi design, and would rather have a "plexi-voiced" amp with hotrodded sounds, like the Smallbox or Metroplex. Luckily those exist, and for roughly the same price.
Well, I currently have the latest version Smallbox (v3), original SL-67, and a Germino Lead 35. The Smallbox is a cool amp, but sounds nothing like the Suhr or Germino.

Recent amp shootout at my house with a few of my amps and friends’s.

My friend’s Phil X amp is the best sounding Friedman amp I have heard / played to date.