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I really appreciate my BluGuitar Amp 1 for this sort of thing.Can't speak for anyone else, but sometimes it's quite a lot. One of the reasons I'm booked is that I'm able to quickly suit a whole variety of musical situations. And one of the parts to accomplish that is to quickly adjust my sounds to accomodate the situation. Most modelers are extremely bad for such tasks, especially once you start switching patches because apart from two (Axe FX and GT-1000), none of them support global blocks (ok, the Kemper has the parameter lock, which seems to be fine for at least some situations).
Usually they also don't offer enough directly exposed controls. Something I'm adjusting at pretty much every gig is the drive/tonestack of my two main "channels" (an Amplifirebox and an Amp Academy). This already get's me there by, say, 70%. But it's 10 parameters already (gain, level, BMT for each). More than any modeler is offering, let alone I have the two channels next to each other. And well, that's just the two core channels, we haven't talked dirt/dynamic/EQ pedals and FX yet. Which are only multiplying the issues.
As said, I can't speak for other folks, but being able to adjust everything quickly for me adds more worth to my setup than whatever last bits of authenticity.
The Amp 1 EQ is not your standard tone stack. In fact you cannot adjust the tone stack at all on this amp! The only control you have for it is the tiny tone knob on 3 of the 4 channels which blends between two fixed tonestacks afaik. The Vintage channel (based on Thomas Blug's modded "black flag" Marshall) doesn't have one at all because Blug believes it's exactly right the way it is (and I agree).
Instead the 3-band EQ is more like having a simple parametric EQ pedal in the fx loop - low/high shelf filters and a 600 Hz midrange filter. This gives it way more range than a typical Marshall tonestack, and it's very effective considering the bands don't interact with each other like a typical passive tone stack does. I use it mainly to fit the tone to the guitar, cab, room and band mix so it sounds balanced and fitting - not too bright, not too boomy, not too honky etc.
Maybe adding something like an Empress ParaEQ or the brand new GFI Enieqma could be helpful for your rig?