Mesa Mark V Head: Excellent Shape $1,800 !?!?!?

There’s a guy who’s had a combo with broken reverb for $900 listed for a while… I’ve been very tempted
2 Vox modes. Fender Blackface Mode. Tweed Mode. Marshall, and Mesa Modes.

Yes, it has EL84s.... but can run up to 40 watts and has enough headroom to do
a lot of different gigs. If it was close to me I would have bought it already.

I have gigged mine more than any other amp since owning it. Not a chugger,
but great for everything else.

Also gives you another Cab. :banana
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I’m definitely intrigued by what I’m hearing, TA-30 seems like a cool amp

That purple stripe still kind of the apple of my eye at the moment tho :LOL:

I’ve paused my impulsive gear spending/acquisition for at least a month though lol. Maybe will see if anything’s left standing for sale still coming into the new year
GC has been firesaling those Fillmores!! my buddy snagged a 50 for $1100 last month. And then the store refunded him $300 because the reverb was not working upon arrival so he made out like a bandit
I didn't jive with the Fillmore 50. Good amp for the right person. Just not my bag. :idk

Lets just I'm glad I got to try his out before I blindly went out and bought one (as I was gasing pretty hard for one at one point) :LOL:

Not knocking the amp, but it definitely would not be a very good fit for me. Cleans were great but the dirt tones weren't my style