Impulse Responses

James Freeman

Rock Star
What are you using?
How many do you have?
How quickly did you find the ONE?

I use OwnHammer Heavy Hitters 1, for me it's perfection.

I've started collecting IR since 2006, early Redwirez etc.
Now i own a shit ton of them form every vendor and overall I like OwnHammer the best.
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York Audio are my favorites, hands down. Unfortunately, they were the last IR company I tried, after collecting about 45,000 of them. If I found York first, I’d probably only have 500. I was using IR’s previously with LePou, Amplitube and Revalver, which is when I started collecting them. I think it was about 4 years before I tried York. So many Mesa cabs…..

There’s less IR’s per York pack, but there’s so many more usable ones for me than the other vendors. With other packs it can feel like you sort through 100 fishbowl-sounding IR’s before finding one in the ballpark and then you need to go through 15 more before you land there. I pretty much know once I hit Mix 1 in any York pack, I’m no more than 5 clicks away to the right IR, but usually hit it with Mix 1.
Im a York fan, and never much bothered to try any others. I fell in love with the Friedman pack he did so much that I actually bought the same cab he used for the pack…

^The DV77 pack is pretty solid from YA. I don't hear much about them but I dug them for a bit when I was trying to break away from the Boss IRs.

That’s my go-to pack for heavy stuff. I kept seeing it mentioned in a FB metal-based guitar group I’m in and figured I’d try to IR’s. I’m not even sure my Mesa presets have Mesa cabs on them anymore.
f*****g HATE IR’s! I audition them, think I landed on a few… start over just in case… time travel 6 hours.
One of the BIGGEST draws on the QC for me was the cab block. Yet everytime I've asked about it; people seem to say "Oh it's ok. I just use my own IRs". Which from how great it looks just seems like the biggest disappointment in the world.
One of the BIGGEST draws on the QC for me was the cab block. Yet everytime I've asked about it; people seem to say "Oh it's ok. I just use my own IRs". Which from how great it looks just seems like the biggest disappointment in the world.
I never use IR’s with it. I like the cab blocks quite a bit.
I ran pink noise through my Creambackatana, tone matched my K8.2 to the response and A/B tweaked (by running link noise, singling out bands, and measuring with a Db meter) the IR on the K8.2 until the result was stupid close.

That has allowed me to tweak the IR in parallel with the Creambackatana (built in EQ FTW) to suit my tastes.

That's what I've been using for a while now.
Two OwnHammer Mesa, I think they're even the same mic, just different positions.
I guess it's like with real cabs, once I settled with those two I use them for everything.
I've got about a billion of them, mostly from OwnHammer and York, but a few from Celestion too. I prefer the York ones most of the time but the OwnHammers are perfectly fine too. Honestly I often just get lazy and use the stock Helix cabs with some EQ'ing, because I'm usually trying to go for a specific frequency balance that I can dial in just as fast myself vs. sifting through IRs. Doing that does lack some of the realistic depth and detail of "good" IRs, but with my playing nobody's going notice anyway :ROFLMAO: