Grid Slammer incoming. Oh, and Eventide Micropitch.


Futzed around yesterday with Rev;s challenge. BL direct sounded like poo, FM9 was not doing the trick either. Ended up stacking boosts into the Helix Recto and got where I needed to almost instantly. Of course :satan

Rewiring the Stomp and my existing drives annoys the s#!t out of me as I always have to put it back for gigging. Soooooooooooooooo I decided to build a secondary drive board to use for this purpose and bring with me if I want to swap things out on the gigging front from time to time.

What I currently have on the gigging board:
MXR klone, OCD klon

What I am thinking for the new board:
Grid Slammer, Blues Driver (Waza?) and Mesa Dynaplex for my new drive board. Grid Slammer will be sort of TS-y style, Dynaplex is higher gain Klon sort of thing and Blues Driver as either a highly colored clean boost OR higher gain volume rolloff tool. Might find another switchless wah as well, just for kicks. Dunlop maybe?

Is there too much redundancy or overlap between these two boards?
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I also made a purchase today but it was a used Polytune 2 Mini. Wish I would have picked one up years ago, it seems way better than the clip on tuner!
I also made a purchase today but it was a used Polytune 2 Mini. Wish I would have picked one up years ago, it seems way better than the clip on tuner!
Great tuner.i have one on my board as well as their clip-on.
Hahahahah this challenge is gonna cause you to flip all the gear you currently own when it was supposed to get you away from the tweaking! :rofl

gasp GIF

Clayton Keller Hockey GIF by NHL on NBC Sports
The challenge is going to be the death of me. Live look at me working with a DAW:

Computer Working GIF

My mouse kept dropping out last night. This is a recent thing that just popped up in the last week and initially it would only drop out for 3-5 seconds, yesterday it was 2-3 minutes. It’s a Magic Mouse so all my movements and Logic are done sliding my fingers across the top of the mouse and probably a few other things I don’t realize, it was enough to get me to quite for the night.
My mouse kept dropping out last night. This is a recent thing that just popped up in the last week and initially it would only drop out for 3-5 seconds, yesterday it was 2-3 minutes. It’s a Magic Mouse so all my movements and Logic are done sliding my fingers across the top of the mouse and probably a few other things I don’t realize, it was enough to get me to quite for the night.

Dude. I had that happen last night with the magic mouse and keyboard at the same time with a loop in progress and a bunch of changes not saved. Pure panic. I put both on chargers in a dash and walked away. Luckily they reconnected when I came back.

Fun fact, it’s took me 4 days to realize you could scroll left and right with the Magic Mouse. 4 f***ing days I spent doing a drag and hold scroll trying to find the play head or move around in the track.
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So far; I still prefer the tone of the Boss dual detune. Lots of stacked controls and no numeric values other than "convert midi value scale of 0-127 into percentages and then that into numeric values to figure out what +9 and -9 cents are on an unmarked dial!" :whistle::ROFLMAO: