Fractal Talk

FAS Cab-Lab 4 released:

Also LOL at the Soon trademark
Basically the same thing you’re already doing in the Cab Block, but at the end of it you can bounce out your own IR to use/share with friends. There’s some more treatment options in the CabLab with EQ’s and whatnot, but the same idea.
But you can also use this as a fancy IR loader WITH Dynacabs in a DAW, right? Example: I run my BL50 into a reactive load, then use this with DynaCabs in CabLab?
Re Cab-Lab 4 : Cool that its free. Makes sense if they want to expand the scope of the Dyna-cabs to include paid content. Might give plugin fans some motivation to buy packs even if they don't own FAS hardware.

It's too bad the impedance curve is part of the power amp model.
Quote from Matt regarding the included mics with the CabLab-

(I asked if there were different mics or if the mics just had differing titles in CabLab than the cab block)
Yes and no. Mics in DynaCab packs use the usual obfuscated names "based on"...
...but there are also more of them on a given cab than you've seen.

In addition, new mics can be added to Cab-Packs after you purchase them. The upgrade process is so much better now with automatic installation through the Cab Pack Manager. I expect you'll see some videos on that later this week.

Also, the DynaCab packs will be $29, which I think is certainly fair. Hahahah I can’t believe I’m saying that after I‘ve dropped a stupid amount of money on IR’s I never use, but I really fucking love the DynaCabs.
no aax=
Sad Futurama GIF
I thought Cab Lab 4 would bring in the option to export IRs as WAV files, but no. That would greatly increase its usefulness as you could basically export Dyna-Cabs as IRs to use with any modeler. Of course you can do that via other ways, but it's a lot more complicated than a simple "just export this in a format I want."

So that makes me wonder, who is Cab Lab 4 for if the Dyna-Cabs are a pretty central feature?

As a plugin you can use it for cab sims and just record a signal with amp sim only, or a tube amp via loadbox. This is probably the main usecase.

FM3/FM9 users would get a more competent mixing capability as they only have two cab slots vs 4 on the Axe-Fx 3. But without room mic options, it's pretty rare to actually need more than a dual mic mix.

Overall for me I feel like it's mostly functionality that I already have in my Axe-Fx 3. More mics and axis adjustment doesn't really move the needle for me.
I've been plugging my Axe3 in 4-cm with my Marshall, and then into my real cab... but I've been recording the signal coming from the amp via the Axe, down into SPDIF, and then into an impulse, so cab lab 4 is quite cool in that scenario. Really just doing it this way sometimes because I'm too lazy to switch the cables around, and because I like the push of a cab for writing parts sometimes.
Downloaded CabLab4 and installed. Purchased all 4 DynaCab units (via beta deal) and this is what I found (will be posting this same material over there). I have played ONLY with the stand alone, so all comments hereafter are referring to that component only. Computer is Windows 10 Pro with Axe FXIII MkII Turbo connected as audio interface. All I played with was DynaCab stuff (making a mix of the 4 cabs).

Ultimately, I felt like this should just be a breakout box of Axe Edit. As laxu mentions above "More mics and axis adjustment doesn't really move the needle for me.". Yes, there is more to it than that and of course it is free, but here are some drawbacks I encountered that make me feel it would be better integrated with AxeEdit.

1. When it is open, you can not connect to your unit that CabLab is connected to.
2. Switching a scene or preset is in the "Settings" pop up menu, which is a bit cumbersome. And once you are there, you can not turn blocks on/off or change channels.
3. In setting it up to use SW Live mode, you click on a button to Bypass your cab block in the chosen preset. But you get no recognition that it has been bypassed, you just have to assume. The button (Do It) remains clickable.
4. Audible latency was present even when I chose the lowest latency setting (144 samples - 3ms) initially presented (it had defaulted to the Windows Audio ASIO). I then decided to try a different ASIO and tested each of the 5 that were shown to me (Direct Audio, ASIO4ALL, Windows Audio, Windows Audio (Exclusive Mode) and Windows Audio (Low Latency Mode). After going through them all, ASIO4ALL was the best choice and I was able to then select a latency setting of 64 samples -1.3ms. This resolved any latency I could discern. To be clear, I believe the 144 samples rate was giving me way more than 3ms because I am NOT that good.

I did enjoy the new layout and the extra mics, seems like solid and well built software that reacted quickly and accurately. As I said though, I would like to see it incorporated into AxeEdit because it solves 3 of the 4 problems I had with it (and the 4th prob is not CabLab's fault for the most part IMO). As it currently stands, if you want to change something in your testing scene/preset, you need to shut down cab lab (or disconnect from unit), open axe edit do the changes, disconnect unit from axeedit, reconnect to unit in cab lab. Unless of course you are a front panel sniffer, not sure if you can use FP to make changes while connected to CabLab. Now all this said, I was not taking advantage of all the other features that CabLab offers (exporting, importing, capture, conversion, etc.) in this testing, just playing with DynaCabs. Additionally I have no idea how difficult it would be to allow these programs (CabLab and AxeEdit) to connect simultaneously on a system, but that would be my preference even if they could not be melted together into a single program.
Additionally I have no idea how difficult it would be to allow these programs (CabLab and AxeEdit) to connect simultaneously on a system, but that would be my preference even if they could not be melted together into a single program.
You could use the Axe-FX MID In/Out connected to any MIDI/USB interface. Axe-Edit can communicate both through the Axe-FX USB or through any MIDI In/Out available at you computer.

BTW, Cab-Lab 3 Standalone (I have the paid version) can connect at the same time as Axe-Edit III.

I never liked it Cab-Lab 3 because the "Live Mode" was a disaster. I could never hear the changes on real time
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Just checking it out, seems overly basic as a general IR loader which is a shame. I could only imagine use for this if I could make my own cab packs and freely move between mic positions and blend mics. That functionality is obviously there if you purchase cab packs, but I already have my own I want to use.

The concept is definitely there but its way too restricted to be any use to me, unfortunately.
4. Audible latency was present even when I chose the lowest latency setting (144 samples - 3ms) initially presented (it had defaulted to the Windows Audio ASIO). I then decided to try a different ASIO and tested each of the 5 that were shown to me (Direct Audio, ASIO4ALL, Windows Audio, Windows Audio (Exclusive Mode) and Windows Audio (Low Latency Mode). After going through them all, ASIO4ALL was the best choice and I was able to then select a latency setting of 64 samples -1.3ms. This resolved any latency I could discern. To be clear, I believe the 144 samples rate was giving me way more than 3ms because I am NOT that good.
Do you have the Fractal Audio drivers installed? It should be using FAS' own ASIO driver. ASIO4All is a crutch at best.
Hahahah the additional mics and angle option are the two biggest reasons I’m excited about it.

I most likely won’t have time to check it out until the weekend. I’m in kill myself mode at work until Friday at 4.