Fractal Talk

If you've ever wondered what "overcomplicated" means, this video on the Fractal modifier system is a prime example. No shade to Cooper Carter, he's explaining the system well, but damn that's painful to watch in action.

All that stuff needs is being able to see on screen what the attached parameters are and how their values change if you adjust the modifier curves and scene controller value.
So I recently mentioned this in another TGF thread, but the KH 120 II monitors have a digital S/PDIF inputs; which means that you could skip a D/A conversion in the Axe-FX and rely solely on the converters within the monitor. So no extra latency.

But then you do not have the possibility of easy volume control through the Axe-FX Out level knob.
dj control GIF by NASA

If you've ever wondered what "overcomplicated" means, this video on the Fractal modifier system is a prime example. No shade to Cooper Carter, he's explaining the system well, but damn that's painful to watch in action.

All that stuff needs is being able to see on screen what the attached parameters are and how their values change if you adjust the modifier curves and scene controller value.

I've been experimenting with scene controllers the past day and you're 100% correct. The fact you have to go over to a different pane to see the scene controller settings it really bad. It's painful.
So I recently mentioned this in another TGF thread, but the KH 120 II monitors have a digital S/PDIF inputs; which means that you could skip a D/A conversion in the Axe-FX and rely solely on the converters within the monitor. So no extra latency.

I have the original Class A/B analogue KH 120s and love them, but I'm considering a second pair of the new DSP model. I have been avoiding DSP monitors until I had this S/PDIF realisation.

Neumann published latency for S/PDIF Input: 2.1 ms

The question then becomes "which converters are best?" ... or "are the Neumann converters good enough?". Presumably Neumann put in something decent though.

What do you think @Blix ?

Those monitors are amazing sounding! I just picked up mine this past week and I've now heard things that I did not know existed through them. Amazing reference for recording and mixing!
I keep umming and ahhing on whether I should keep my FM-3.

The idea in my head when I got it was it could fill in for the amps I don’t own, have space for or like enough to justify buying. Obviously what has happened in the meantime is I have bought even more real amps, bought more plugins, using NAM and ToneX more. More plugin emulations are being released constantly and if it’s something that’s offered in Fractal, I end up using the plugin version more out of convenience and the UI etc.

There’s still some models that SHOULD make Fractal worth it for me, but I can’t really tell if they sound accurate to the real model - that USUALLY means I’ll end up buying either another amp, or another plugin (and comparing). This has happened with amps like the Jubilee, Uberschall and JMP-1.

Those amps, as well as JVM Satriani seem to fall into a category of being accurate models of a rare/one off version of the amp that almost no one else is familiar with. So even if they are accurate to the amp they’re based off, they don’t really scratch the itch that I want from them. I want the sound of the amps that I’m familiar with.

The only other reason I’ve stuck with Fractal is I love being able to tinker with the amp circuits, and that’s still quite unique.

I’m just wondering - am I better off cashing in on the fm3 and checking out some other gear in the mean time. Perhaps a new Fractal unit is round the corner and i’ll get back more money if I sell before that. Even then, what I really want is a Fractal plugin so new HW might cater more towards playing live (which I’m never doing),

At the moment it’s an expensive but great sounding lump on my desk that isn’t getting used much. I like the tones it can produce, but I’m not sure how well it’s fitting what I’m looking for.

I keep umming and ahhing on whether I should keep my FM-3.

The idea in my head when I got it was it could fill in for the amps I don’t own, have space for or like enough to justify buying. Obviously what has happened in the meantime is I have bought even more real amps, bought more plugins, using NAM and ToneX more. More plugin emulations are being released constantly and if it’s something that’s offered in Fractal, I end up using the plugin version more out of convenience and the UI etc.

There’s still some models that SHOULD make Fractal worth it for me, but I can’t really tell if they sound accurate to the real model - that USUALLY means I’ll end up buying either another amp, or another plugin (and comparing). This has happened with amps like the Jubilee, Uberschall and JMP-1.

Those amps, as well as JVM Satriani seem to fall into a category of being accurate models of a rare/one off version of the amp that almost no one else is familiar with. So even if they are accurate to the amp they’re based off, they don’t really scratch the itch that I want from them. I want the sound of the amps that I’m familiar with.

The only other reason I’ve stuck with Fractal is I love being able to tinker with the amp circuits, and that’s still quite unique.

I’m just wondering - am I better off cashing in on the fm3 and checking out some other gear in the mean time. Perhaps a new Fractal unit is round the corner and i’ll get back more money if I sell before that. Even then, what I really want is a Fractal plugin so new HW might cater more towards playing live (which I’m never doing),

At the moment it’s an expensive but great sounding lump on my desk that isn’t getting used much. I like the tones it can produce, but I’m not sure how well it’s fitting what I’m looking for.

Maybe it’s time to move it on to someone who’ll be thrilled with it👍
Life is short, get what lights a fire under you.
I’m just wondering - am I better off cashing in on the fm3 and checking out some other gear in the mean time. Perhaps a new Fractal unit is round the corner and i’ll get back more money if I sell before that. Even then, what I really want is a Fractal plugin so new HW might cater more towards playing live (which I’m never doing),

At the moment it’s an expensive but great sounding lump on my desk that isn’t getting used much. I like the tones it can produce, but I’m not sure how well it’s fitting what I’m looking for.

I assume we are still a few years away from a new Fractal product. Even if an Axe-Fx IV launches next year, it might still take another for a more budget option to emerge.

Even after buying the Axe-Fx 3, I kept using the FM3 as a travel rig because it was easier to haul around than the rack unit. So that might be something to consider. I did eventually sell the FM3 as I could use the money.
Maybe it’s time to move it on to someone who’ll be thrilled with it👍
Life is short, get what lights a fire under you.
Yeah, I do enjoy it but there’s no way I get anywhere close to the use from it that it deserves. Just not sure what I’d even replace it with or use instead…..

I assume we are still a few years away from a new Fractal product. Even if an Axe-Fx IV launches next year, it might still take another for a more budget option to emerge.

Even after buying the Axe-Fx 3, I kept using the FM3 as a travel rig because it was easier to haul around than the rack unit. So that might be something to consider. I did eventually sell the FM3 as I could use the money.
My feeling is when a new Fractal unit does come, the main new features would be more DSP, better UI. I’d be surprised if the quality of the modelling is drastically improved from where it is now, although they always seem to find a way to improve slowly. I just think it’s not where I can see them focussing.

If there was 10-15 new amps that I was really interested in, it may make me interested. But even the power of an FM-3 is overkill for me, so a flagship unit would be so overpowered for what I want….

If I was gigging or had some use for the FM3, it’s flexible enough to stick around. The reality is I’m not gigging or doing anything outside of my studio…. so maybe I’m better cashing in?