Fractal Talk

Do people really think that? I certainly don't.
They are referring to my comment when discussing time off and when I said business owners can do whatever they want.

But using the big brain that we just learned about, you should be able to follow the conversation and context provided to realize that what was meant was you have more control over time off as a business owner vs your average worker who truly doesn't get final say on their time off requests. Not that business owners can truly do "whatever they want".

But honestly this is just turning into a semantics discussion, usual suspects trying to act like the smartest person in the room, and at the moment this discussion is not adding to anything worthwhile. Kudos to you business owners and non business owners alike, you are the true heroes of this tale.
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They are referring to my comment when discussing time off and when I said business owners can do whatever they want.

But using the big brain that we just learned about, you should be able to follow the conversation and context provided to realize that what was meant was you have more control over time off as a business owner vs your average worker who truly doesn't get final say on their time off requests. Not that business owners can truly do "whatever they want".
I think it's clear Mongillo understands that business owners can do whatever they want, however there will be appropriate consequences, depending on the situation/environment. We're all grown-ups here. (y)
They are referring to my comment when discussing time off and when I said business owners can do whatever they want.

But using the big brain that we just learned about, you should be able to follow the conversation and context provided to realize that what was meant was you have more control over time off as a business owner vs your average worker who truly doesn't get final say on their time off requests. Not that business owners can truly do "whatever they want".

But honestly this is just turning into a semantics discussion, usual suspects trying to act like the smartest person in the room, and at the moment this discussion is not adding to anything worthwhile. Kudos to you business owners and non business owners alike, you are the true heroes of this tale.
That’s an awful big assumption with a big resentment sitting behind it.

I wasn’t talking about you whatsoever. Interesting that you related it to yourself. A bit strange to make it personal.
That’s an awful big assumption with a big resentment sitting behind it.

I wasn’t talking about you whatsoever. Interesting that you related it to yourself.
All good, let's just drop it!

Better things to discuss like, what will fractal do next 🤔

And if you couldn't tell by my other posts I've had a meh week and weekend, not an excuse but we all know how it is sometimes
All good, let's just drop it!

Better things to discuss like, what will fractal do next 🤔

I’m hoping one day they’ll start to package their effects together into complex algorithms and make them available as block libraries… I know we can sort of do this ourselves, but I think there’s value in Frackville hiring someone to assemble some.

I’m hoping one day they’ll start to package their effects together into complex algorithms and make them available as block libraries… I know we can sort of do this ourselves, but I think there’s value in Frackville hiring someone to assemble some.

For sure. I know that's a popular request. @2112 has an extensive block library, yeah? That alone should just come preloaded on the units imo
For sure. I know that's a popular request. @2112 has an extensive block library, yeah? That alone should just come preloaded on the units imo
Simeon too as well as fremen iirc

But I would like an “effect” to be comprised of multiple blocks into one stable component/configuration.

(Like an H9 or other multi fx device where modulation, reverb and delays are routed in clever ways.)
Speaking of Mesa......If you have a III and a sub, you should really try this out!

It's funny how the Fractal faithful start to get weird when Cliff goes radio silent for a while.
To be fair it is a deviation from the norm they have set. It could be absolutely nothing but this kind of gap in the past has led to "major" announcements

If the FAS Forum is accurate, the last time a FW has this long of a gap, Cyngus, Cyngus 2.0, and Dyna Cabs were the results
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It's Cliff's own damn fault for enabling people with such stellar service. :LOL:

Kind of rare, and maybe a bit unprecedented, in the gear world to get
something like that. But you give it to people and they just want more
and start to assume it is normal. :idk

I kind of hope he is working on giving us all some API and Neve style
channel strips/preamps. Maybe an LA-2A Comp. I can feel how Fractal
could become more of an all-in-one recording solution.

A girl can dreeam, right? :beer
To be fair it is a deviation from the norm they have set. It could be absolutely nothing but this kind of gap in the past has led to "major" announcements

If the FAS Forum is accurate, the last time a FW has this long of a gap, Cyngus, Cyngus 2.0, and Dyna Cabs were the results
Well if someone is following the Dyna cab threads Matt did say he was meeting up with Justin York In September maybe Cliff went too
It's all in my head I'm sure but I don't want more AD/DA conversion happening than absolutely neccesary. Hence the 4-cable method is the debil :p
Once is fine. I ended up with Neumann KH120's. They recently came out with a version 2, with DSP...

So I recently mentioned this in another TGF thread, but the KH 120 II monitors have a digital S/PDIF inputs; which means that you could skip a D/A conversion in the Axe-FX and rely solely on the converters within the monitor. So no extra latency.

I have the original Class A/B analogue KH 120s and love them, but I'm considering a second pair of the new DSP model. I have been avoiding DSP monitors until I had this S/PDIF realisation.

Neumann published latency for S/PDIF Input: 2.1 ms

The question then becomes "which converters are best?" ... or "are the Neumann converters good enough?". Presumably Neumann put in something decent though.

What do you think @Blix ?
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