Fractal Talk

As someone who isn't a Fractal user anymore .. I'm curious... given its now just-on 3 months since the last Axe3 FW non-Beta was released ... does anyone else have the feeling that something major either in terms of hardware and/or software is brewing (?)

Yeah I'm thinking so. But could also be just a little time off.

My guess would be a jump in the firmware
Yeah I'm thinking so. But could also be just a little time off.

My guess would be a jump in the firmware

I'm not in the US ...... but doesn't he most technologically advanced country in the world still only have 2 weeks per year holiday leave ;)
I'm not in the US ...... but doesn't he most technologically advanced country in the world still only have 2 weeks per year holiday leave ;)
As others have said that's more so the standard for the average person. But when you own your business you can do whatever you want really

Edit: since some can't follow the flow of a conversation. You have more freedom for time off when the owner of a business as in you are the head supervisor and when push comes to shove you should have final say on if you are taking time off. The normal, non business owner, has to go through multiple people to get time off approved as they are not at the head of the chain, unlike the owner of a business who is at the top.
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Was just a bit of social commentary ... nothing more ... nothing less :)

Even allowing for being the "owner of the company" ....... it still strikes me that something "major'ish" is coming (?)

But when you own your business you can do whatever you want really
I don’t think most people have the foggiest notion of what it’s like to make a payroll.

Or the stress of that losing your house just to meet the bills of the business. Maybe only 10-20% of folks are cut out for this.

People are so fragmented and separated from reality anymore that it’s just too easy to attack what you don’t know or understand. The food you put in your mouth every day is a great example . This is purposeful.

Johns Hopkins pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson makes a great point about the difference between the dog brain and the human brain recently.

While on the outside, they look quite similar together with anatomical similarities re: occipital lobes, parietal lobes, frontal lobes, cortex stone, etc.…

The biggest differences between them is that the dogs’ midbrain is larger. The midbrain is “reactive” … meaning that it gives the animal an optimized processor for immediate action. Much faster than humans.

The human brain is larger in the frontal lobe area for optimizing and processing actual analysis of past and future events. This is complex.

This means that humans can do multifaceted and intricate thought such as the “understand the nature of the character of another man” versus an animal’s quick instincts to attack/defend.

But, we’re not teaching thinking much anymore. Basic reading and arithmetic isn’t even be met.

People talk about diversity all the time, but never about diversity of ideas and thoughts. That’s prohibited. It’s all animal reactions to you how you “feel”. It’s on purpose.
My last day off was in 2011.
Again, the point is, if I request a day off it has to go through multiple people to get the stamp of approval. It doesn't matter how badly or if I "need" that day off, if one of my supervisors says no, I'm out of luck.

If you own your own business and are the head of everything, does your line worker approve your time off request? Didn't think so.

Also sounds like you need a new job
I don’t think most people have the foggiest notion of what it’s like to make a payroll.

Or the stress of that losing your house just to meet the bills of the business. Maybe only 10-20% of folks are cut out for this.

People are so fragmented and separated from reality anymore that it’s just too easy to attack what you don’t know or understand. The food you put in your mouth every day is a great example . This is purposeful.

Johns Hopkins pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson makes a great point about the difference between the dog brain and the human brain recently.

While on the outside, they look quite similar together with anatomical similarities re: occipital lobes, parietal lobes, frontal lobes, cortex stone, etc.…

The biggest differences between them is that the dogs’ midbrain is larger. The midbrain is “reactive” … meaning that it gives the animal an optimized processor for immediate action. Much faster than humans.

The human brain is larger in the frontal lobe area for optimizing and processing actual analysis of past and future events. This is complex.

This means that humans can do multifaceted and intricate thought such as the “understand the nature of the character of another man” versus an animal’s quick instincts to attack/defend.

But, we’re not teaching thinking much anymore. Basic reading and arithmetic isn’t even be met.

People talk about diversity all the time, but never about diversity of ideas and thoughts. That’s prohibited. It’s all animal reactions to you how you “feel”. It’s on purpose.
That was certainly a tangent
Again, the point is, if I request a day off it has to go through multiple people to get the stamp of approval. It doesn't matter how badly or if I "need" that day off, if one of my supervisors says no, I'm out of luck.

If you own your own business and are the head of everything, does your line worker approve your time off request? Didn't think so.

Also sounds like you need a new job
Yup. Whilst I recognize that running a business is not easy, I have worked for four single ownership places in my lifetime: a successful doctor, a successful custom photo lab, a successful ATM service company, and now a successful (30 years this year) guitar shop. They all take days off. They all take vacations.
What thread did I stumble into?

Point1: The basics of business ownership, and the responsibilities that comes with it; re time off and vacation

Point2: people don’t understand this… Don’t want to understand it, and therefore just react to what they see, thinking that business owners are rich and can do whatever whenever

Point3: It’s gonna get a lot harder now. Business failures are gonna go up significantly.
Point1: The basics of business ownership, and the responsibilities that comes with it; re time off and vacation

Point2: people don’t understand this… Don’t want to understand it, and therefore just react to what they see, thinking that business owners are rich and can do whatever whenever
Do people really think that? I certainly don't.