Fractal Talk

Yeah for me the Friedmans were never my favorite on Fractal either. They're fine, and I understand why they're popular, I like the real deal just fine.

But with modelers you can use all those otherwise rather inconvenient amps like vintage Plexis, JCM800s, Cornford MK50 etc without compromises so amps that have a ton of features don't matter a whole lot. Like you can turn any of those into your own multichannel amp by using Fractal's channels, so do you really need a JVM or Friedman model that much? If I was buying the real amp, all those extra channels and features are cool.
And the Recitifers and the other Marks and the and the and the and the... :LOL:
Ha true....
big grin.png
Yeah for me the Friedmans were never my favorite on Fractal either. They're fine, and I understand why they're popular, I like the real deal just fine.

But with modelers you can use all those otherwise rather inconvenient amps like vintage Plexis, JCM800s, Cornford MK50 etc without compromises so amps that have a ton of features don't matter a whole lot. Like you can turn any of those into your own multichannel amp by using Fractal's channels, so do you really need a JVM or Friedman model that much? If I was buying the real amp, all those extra channels and features are cool.
Oh you really need a JVM model :hmm:grin
I tried the dirty Shirley for first time in a long time the other night and was reminded why everyone loved it. As far as the HBE, boosted BE, etc., I haven’t played a pinch harmonic on purpose in well over twenty years so what do I know.
The Dirty Shirley is the only Friedman based model I've liked. It is like a modded JTM45.
One thing you can do with the Freidman HBE , I have seen a few guys swap the tonestack in the pre from a Freidman to a plexi .

This will keep the same gain but will open up the top end and get rid of that darker smooth tone Dave Favors

That’s an interesting idea, I wouldn’t have thought the tonestack circuit would be that different but maybe so.

Yeah for me the Friedmans were never my favorite on Fractal either. They're fine, and I understand why they're popular, I like the real deal just fine.

But with modelers you can use all those otherwise rather inconvenient amps like vintage Plexis, JCM800s, Cornford MK50 etc without compromises so amps that have a ton of features don't matter a whole lot. Like you can turn any of those into your own multichannel amp by using Fractal's channels, so do you really need a JVM or Friedman model that much? If I was buying the real amp, all those extra channels and features are cool.

That’s how I think about it too. If I buy another big amp one day, a Friedman is on the short list of amps I have to try before pulling the trigger on one. But in modeler land, I try them but always land on something more specialized and it’s usually a plexi variant if I was trying a Friedman model.

IRL I think they make a lot of sense. In a modeler, I always gravitate towards the amps that are pretty impractical IRL.

What was that quote from Yngwie, something like “Why would I want something that sounds like a Marshall when I have a Marshall”

The answer to that is what people often think Marshalls sound like is actually a Marshall boosted to hell by pre-EQ or OD pedals or modded extra diode clipping.

I'm also not the biggest fan of the Fractal BE100 models. Rocco Pezzin gets amazing tones for days with them, but they are always too smooth or undergained or generic when I dial them up. It's much easier for me to use the Cameron CCV, Bogner Ecstasy, Cornford M50 or JVM models to get where I want to go. Even the factory patches of each of those (once you crank the treble and presence) smoke with little dialing in.
Just had a quick question about Cab Lab. Can you scroll through single IRs, like in the cab block of the respective hardware editors? Or do I need to open up the browse window to load up a single IR?
I misspoke earlier....I think my favorite Mesa in the Fractal at the moment is the Recto Red. Here's a preset with four stereo combos of amps, and I think the best scene is #5...It has the FAS Blue Stealth in stereo with the Reco Red. All the scenes are :chef in my opinion.....try it out!View attachment 34550

It probably Blasphemy but I am a big fan of the Triple Crown , it might be my favourite Mesa
I like the Recto and MarkV too but I think the TC is just a little more versatile
The answer to that is what people often think Marshalls sound like is actually a Marshall boosted to hell by pre-EQ or OD pedals or modded extra diode clipping.

I'm also not the biggest fan of the Fractal BE100 models. Rocco Pezzin gets amazing tones for days with them, but they are always too smooth or undergained or generic when I dial them up. It's much easier for me to use the Cameron CCV, Bogner Ecstasy, Cornford M50 or JVM models to get where I want to go. Even the factory patches of each of those (once you crank the treble and presence) smoke with little dialing in.
The JVM orange is a thing of beauty
The XTC red in classic mode w a TS boosting is awesome as well
IMO the Bogner and HBE are not that far off in tone
But I find Bogs are just so much fun to play I think it’s the compression they have a kind of bounce when the Freidman is a bit stiffer and leaner in the lows
The BE tone stack is almost identical to a Marshall. The reason the BE is smoother is there are several caps sprinkled about that roll off the highs.

The snubber cap is also twice as big as a Marshall which rolls off the highs in the power amp more.

The feedback network has a fixed Depth cap which boosts the lows. It's also strange in that the feedback is taken off the speaker jack rather than a tap on the transformer. So if you use a 16-ohm cab it will sound different than using an 8-ohm load (even more bassy).
The BE tone stack is almost identical to a Marshall. The reason the BE is smoother is there are several caps sprinkled about that roll off the highs.

The snubber cap is also twice as big as a Marshall which rolls off the highs in the power amp more.

The feedback network has a fixed Depth cap which boosts the lows. It's also strange in that the feedback is taken off the speaker jack rather than a tap on the transformer. So if you use a 16-ohm cab it will sound different than using an 8-ohm load (even more bassy).
This is just more evidence to support that your older Tweaked FBE actually sounded better
Sometime hopefully soon, I’m going to commit to trying to understand the Mesa Mark models. I’m a Mesa fan, but I’ve long avoided the mark amps because I’m completely lost on what to do with them (push/pull stuff, switches, graphic eq, etc). I connected with the recto right away when I had one, but the few times I’ve tried a mark amp I didn’t know what to do with them. I tried a while back with Helix but didn’t get anything I really liked out of it. So many bands I like use Mark amps though, I want to crack the code of getting good sounds out of them.
