Fractal Talk

Sooooo....just saw where AdminM@ posted about an hour ago that Beato's video with Jerry Cantrell was "interesting timing. Hopefully I'll be able to talk about something soon". Friedman JJ confirmed?
I don't gig any more, but this seems to me to be a great approach. I'm of the firm belief you shouldn't be doing any deep-editing at a gig anyway.
I kind of do that, except I have a "shell preset" on my FM9 that I can easily copy and create new presets quickly on-device, only because it's faster than "shunt, shunt, shunty shunt, shunt".
What I’ve learned this page:
  1. If you’re gigging you shouldn’t be doing deep editing via the panel.
  2. If you’re playing at home you should be using Edit and not the front panel.
So basically the front panel is really only a problem if… you actually want to use it.

Sometimes the simplest solution is the answer to complicated questions!

Axe-FX O Turbo.png

Axe-FX O.png

* Industrial design is my passion!
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I'm beside myself with this Jerry Cantrell Whatever-it-ism coming out of the
hallowed halls of Fraclandia. :banana:banana:pickle:pickle
It's either a JJ model or Jerry is switching to Fractal. Maybe both.

Orrr, Jerry is switching to Fractal because he's currently touring with the Bogner Fish again and he says in the Beato vid "it's a noisy beast" and Fractal has a Fish model already.
Probably a model of the JJ 100
is there much difference between that and the BE100 with diode clipping and depth control? can’t remember the circuit differences off hand but pretty sure it’s essentially just that (I will obviously gladly receive a JJ model, as I would Butterslax, SS, Phil X and Naked)
A randomizer option in the effects blocks would probably be pretty damn fun to mess around with!