Fractal Talk

Inevitably FAS is going to have to put the time and effort into the UI, and a tablet editor seems like the perfect bridge gap between generations of hardware. Plus a tablet version of Edit could give them some feedback on a potential touchscreen implementation down the line. And tbh, a USB/BT tablet editor might even eliminate the need for an on-device TS implementation at all. They could probably refine the existing control mechanisms and lean on the tablet editor for those that are wanting touch controls. Seems like a win-win.
Yeah, just my humble opinion, but I don't give two fucks about a touchscreen on the modeler itself, if they've got an app. Just like I'm fine with them having an app, as long as there's still a screen/controls on the device.
Yeah, just my humble opinion, but I don't give two fucks about a touchscreen on the modeler itself, if they've got an app. Just like I'm fine with them having an app, as long as there's still a screen/controls on the device.

That’s why I think it’s a no brainer. It satisfies people that want a non-pc and touchscreen editor, and gives them the ability refine their current on-device controls. Win-win.
That’s why I think it’s a no brainer. It satisfies people that want a non-pc and touchscreen editor, and gives them the ability refine their current on-device controls. Win-win.
Harry Potter GIF
As long as the tablet/phone editor is not a replacement for fixing their onboard UX.
The device itself needs better UX (that doesn't necessarily mean including a touch screen).

I want to be able to quickly tweak something while I'm jamming at home. I don't want to bring up an editor app then, or sit by the computer. I want to reach out to the unit itself, twist a knob, done.

Digital knobs, regardless if it's via mouse or touch, are horrible.
Actually, touch might even be WORSE for twisting a digital knob than a mouse.
The in between solution would just be physical controls on the unit but a better screen to just have the exact Replica of the desktop Edit app.

But honestly I don’t want to pay more than a t should just for a better screen.

I still don’t understand why people don’t want a mobile/tablet app.
You won’t get a better screen and touch than the phone you already have in your pocket.
The in between solution would just be physical controls on the unit but a better screen to just have the exact Replica of the desktop Edit app.

But honestly I don’t want to pay more than a t should just for a better screen.

I still don’t understand why people don’t want a mobile/tablet app.
You won’t get a better screen and touch than the phone you already have in your pocket.
Have you tried Fracpad on Fractal? Ok, as a 3rd party app it's a bit janky both visually and functionally, and kinda hard to get reliably connected. But it wil still show you what kind of experience you get with Axe-Edit on tablet.

You will find that it alone does not solve the Fractal UI issues. Does not mean it's not useful or desirable. It can make things easier than the onboard UI, but it still lacks physical control for parameter adjustment so it's not a particularly good feeling solution to edit things.

To me the one thing the Quad Cortex, TMP or Hotone Ampero II do right is having physical knobs to adjust parameters, rather than relying only on the touchscreen.
I’d love a legit iOS app for editing. I already have my iPad with me at all times for work stuff, I’d rather sit that on top of a cab than my Macbook. Bluetooth/wireless would be great, but I’m fine with a USB tether.
I don't see how it makes things any easier. Just seems like it is kicking a bunch of UI+UX work down the road, like a lonely little coke can.
It’s an Edit app with mobility, it will make things easier. It’s the actuals edit desktop apps on mobile devices.
Have you tried Fracpad on Fractal? Ok, as a 3rd party app it's a bit janky both visually and functionally, and kinda hard to get reliably connected. But it wil still show you what kind of experience you get with Axe-Edit on tablet.

You will find that it alone does not solve the Fractal UI issues. Does not mean it's not useful or desirable. It can make things easier than the onboard UI, but it still lacks physical control for parameter adjustment so it's not a particularly good feeling solution to edit things.

To me the one thing the Quad Cortex, TMP or Hotone Ampero II do right is having physical knobs to adjust parameters, rather than relying only on the touchscreen.
I’ve never said it will change something on the unit. It just can be really convenient and helpful when you are on a gig or a rehearsal.
Because honestly everyone that needs real tweaking for preparing a tour bring their laptop to have the Edit app. Just why just not make it a mobile app?
And you know you could just double tap on a setting and enter some digits.

Your last paragraph is exactly what I said, a better screen to replicate the Edit app on the unit with physical controls.
For those recording with the FM3 and using the analog outs, I'm curious to hear how you've got it set up to do reamping and getting all the levels right.

I am finding that I am ultimately too lazy to set use it as a USB audio interface on Windows for reamping and to set the manual delay offset. I am mostly plugging into my FM3 standalone to jam on headphones.

I think I'm giving up on the stubborn idea of minimizing AD/DA round trips. I was thinking of perhaps semi-permanently connecting my reamp box to Input2 and running an Output1 to a line out of my interface. Or maybe I could use Output2 and go into an Active DI. I think this way I can keep a guitar cable plugged into Input1 to quickly connect to a guitar.

I've also thought about commandeering my wife's MacBook Pro and getting aggregate devices set up, but am trying to come up with a way to set and forget the cabling with my aging Windows rig.
For those recording with the FM3 and using the analog outs, I'm curious to hear how you've got it set up to do reamping and getting all the levels right.
IIRC, the manual said that Output 2 was unity gain when you had it turned all the way up (maxed/cranked).
IIRC, the manual said that Output 2 was unity gain when you had it turned all the way up (maxed/cranked).

That's one of the ways I'm going to try it when I get a chance. Maybe I can tap off the input block for Output2 to get a clean DI and adjust the Output2 point for subsequent reamping. I'm hoping for all the levels to conveniently work out.

I saw the manual's example of using Input 2 as an aux guitar input. Hopefully it'll work out as a way to keep the FM3 permanently patched in with my interface.
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