Fractal Talk

Pretty sure I said it last year, but the more time goes on, the more content I am with just some kind of Marshall, a boost and a volume knob. (Of course, all my bullshit delay/reverb after as well)

That's actually where I'm at now. Basically fuzz face or tone bender, ep booster with some delay as required into my jvm. Happiest I've been in a long time.
Pretty sure I said it last year, but the more time goes on, the more content I am with just some kind of Marshall, a boost and a volume knob. (Of course, all my bullshit delay/reverb after as well)

I don't use as much gain as you, but that seems to be where I've ended up after all the years of effing about with old Fender amp circuits.

Admittedly, it's still that blurred Fender / Marshall crossover area between the vintage Bassman, Brown / Blonde, JTM45, Plexi.
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What gear do you have in mind? 😬
Honestly, between my 6505+, Satch JVM, and Dual Recto (which I'd happily describe as my main amp these days) everything else is pedals. I just want more intuitive and instant gratification stuff. I'd rather have 28 Boss DD8's than my Axe3 right now. I really hate to admit it, because I know on paper the Axe3 can do EVERYTHING I could ever hope for. But fuck menu diving, and fuck constantly being confused over which page I'm on, or what mode I'm in, or what layout I'm viewing, etc etc.

I see the Axe3 as a really good studio tool. But for live use? Nah, fuck that quite frankly.
Dare I risk the wrath if I suggest you trying the QC again at some point 🤣

But yeah pedals sound infinitely more fun
I would be up for it, but I honestly think they've fucked up the mechanical engineering and that it will never be as good as the Helix is as a "command centre" that sits in the middle of a multi-pedal board. I had a mare of a time getting my one to sound good with other pedals, and apart from one guy telling me I should've used TRS cables to avoid a -6dB level drop... no one else has really explained it, or even said they experienced it. So either I'm a finnicky bitch, or those people have shit ears! Not mutually exclusive I suppose!

BTW - I think the "footswitch gap" issue is massively overstated. I never had a problem with it personally.
Honestly, between my 6505+, Satch JVM, and Dual Recto (which I'd happily describe as my main amp these days) everything else is pedals. I just want more intuitive and instant gratification stuff. I'd rather have 28 Boss DD8's than my Axe3 right now. I really hate to admit it, because I know on paper the Axe3 can do EVERYTHING I could ever hope for. But fuck menu diving, and fuck constantly being confused over which page I'm on, or what mode I'm in, or what layout I'm viewing, etc etc.

I see the Axe3 as a really good studio tool. But for live use? Nah, fuck that quite frankly.
As someone who sold the Axe-Fx 3 + FC-12, I'll just throw in that you will be dealing with some of the following instead:
  • Cable routing hell.
  • Swapping pedal order is a real chore. Not that I do it much tho.
  • Chasing why your pedalboard is suddenly making noise it didn't do yesterday.
  • Hey, MIDI would be nice...let's make it just as complicated as your modeler, but for switching stuff!
  • Let's buy that Nth delay or reverb pedal that still doesn't sound as good as Fractal's fx, but this time I'm sure it will be the right mix of convenience, awesome tone and features!
  • There's an empty spot on my board...let's buy something expensive to fill it!
I mean my pedalboard is pretty awesome, but it's about as expensive as the Fractal and does a fraction of the things.

I have found the lack of modelers surprisingly liberating though.
I'll absolutely keep buying amps and pedals, but there's no way in fuck I'm ever getting rid of a Fractal unit. More is more jokes aside, the quality of those effects are way too good to let go of. I briefly considered selling my FM9 and just keeping my AxeFX, but I can't even rationalize that. I also don't have the necessity to rationalize it, to be fair.

Selling any of it wouldn't net me enough money to buy everything I'd need to cover my general preset layout. It wouldn't even cover the delay pedals.
As someone who sold the Axe-Fx 3 + FC-12, I'll just throw in that you will be dealing with some of the following instead:
  • Cable routing hell.
  • Swapping pedal order is a real chore. Not that I do it much tho.
  • Chasing why your pedalboard is suddenly making noise it didn't do yesterday.
  • Hey, MIDI would be nice...let's make it just as complicated as your modeler, but for switching stuff!
  • Let's buy that Nth delay or reverb pedal that still doesn't sound as good as Fractal's fx, but this time I'm sure it will be the right mix of convenience, awesome tone and features!
  • There's an empty spot on my board...let's buy something expensive to fill it!
I mean my pedalboard is pretty awesome, but it's about as expensive as the Fractal and does a fraction of the things.

I have found the lack of modelers surprisingly liberating though.
I already have some great pedals. The LVX and MercuryX sound just as good as the Fractal stuff, and often much quicker to dial in. A tubescreamer is a tubescreamer, and an SD1 is an SD1... anyone getting cork sniffy about those deserves a bayonet to the arsecheek.

You're totally right on the midi side of things... I'm even pondering fucking off my GigRig G3 and just going back to tap dancing tbh!!
Right. Fuck this. Time to admit it.

I wanna sell my Axe3 and FC12 again.
Bill Belichick Binoculars GIF by Barstool Sports
I'll absolutely keep buying amps and pedals, but there's no way in fuck I'm ever getting rid of a Fractal unit. More is more jokes aside, the quality of those effects are way too good to let go of. I briefly considered selling my FM9 and just keeping my AxeFX, but I can't even rationalize that. I also don't have the necessity to rationalize it, to be fair.

Selling any of it wouldn't net me enough money to buy everything I'd need to cover my general preset layout. It wouldn't even cover the delay pedals.
I've had the same conversation with myself. Live, I always use an amp but the effects are much easier via the axefx. To replicate them, I'd need about 5k in pedals. Pedal prices went through the roof so i dumped them at the wrong time.
In the studio, it's all vst and Fractal.
Pretty sure I said it last year, but the more time goes on, the more content I am with just some kind of Marshall, a boost and a volume knob. (Of course, all my bullshit delay/reverb after as well)
the more they update the fm3, the more things I remove.

I use to play with guitar>wha>overdrive>amp.

I could never just do that with modelers, always had to tweak like hell to not be fully satisfied.
With this update, I don't know, it just feel natural. Less tweaking.

And even if there's a gazillion amp and pedals, I just get enough with simple core setup. Old recipes, TubeScreamer like (I really like the maxxon model), one Marshall (plexis or 2203s), some great irs.

Same for the effects, you can achieve so much with just chorus, reverb and delay...
the more they update the fm3, the more things I remove.

I use to play with guitar>wha>overdrive>amp.

I could never just do that with modelers, always had to tweak like hell to not be fully satisfied.
With this update, I don't know, it just feel natural. Less tweaking.

And even if there's a gazillion amp and pedals, I just get enough with simple core setup. Old recipes, TubeScreamer like (I really like the maxxon model), one Marshall (plexis or 2203s), some great irs.

Same for the effects, you can achieve so much with just chorus, reverb and delay...
yes, the more I realize that I am content with just one amp, chorus, delay and reverb, the more I toy with the idea of selling all the Fractal stuff.
Kind of get tired listening for 'how real it sounds/feels' when amps are coming with more features.
If evh ever puts out a lunch box 5153 with integrated load box/IRs and a stereo loop, it's all over.
5150 -> dc2 -> sde3 -> ps-6 -> done
I was looking at the Astro 20 but......