Fractal Talk

These tones are so bad but so freakin' good. How does he do it?

Edit: I mean how does Mark Speer do it? I know how I do it in the FM9. I wrote the post.

These tones are so bad but so freakin' good. How does he do it?

Edit: I mean how does Mark Speer do it? I know how I do it in the FM9. I wrote the post.

Very nice!
These tones are so bad but so freakin' good. How does he do it?

Edit: I mean how does Mark Speer do it? I know how I do it in the FM9. I wrote the post.

I don't really know the answer, but I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I'm guessing that Mark must have a really light touch? He's super precise too.

Relatedly, I've had my EBMM Cutlass strung using the Mark Speer flatwound method* for a few weeks now and I really like it 🙂

* Buy a pack of Chrome 12s, throw away the bottom E; make the A the E, the D the A and so on; then add a plain 10 for the missing top E.
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How would you do 4-cable-method and use some external effects at the same time with the Axe3 or even the FM9???? Ideally I'd still want the ability to put the external effects before or after the amplifier, which I guess means patching it into the Axe3 somehow?
You can add external effects in any otherwise-unused inputs/outputs. A 4CM setup on FM9 might use input 1, output 1, input 3, and output 3. That leaves input 2 and output 2. You could put one or more external effects in I/O 2 and put that loop wherever you want on the grid in a given preset.
You can add external effects in any otherwise-unused inputs/outputs. A 4CM setup on FM9 might use input 1, output 1, input 3, and output 3. That leaves input 2 and output 2. You could put one or more external effects in I/O 2 and put that loop wherever you want on the grid in a given preset.
I guess to do that I'd need some XLR > 1/4" jack cables for output 2? Are the signal levels for output 2 any different than the others?

Like, I totally get this principle:

Whereas the Axe3 uses these:

I'm not 100% clear on the signal path/level differences.

FM9 manual says:
Output 1 L/R and Output 2 L/R are ready to be connected to consumer line level inputs (-10 dbV).

So I'm not too clear where output 2's level would need to be to get unity gain. But I guess I'd stick whatever effects I want so that out 2 goes into the inputs, and the outputs of the effects go back into input 2. Basically, I'm just a bit puzzled/wondering about signal levels and getting the most unity-gain signal possible, so I don't under or over gain the effects themselves.
I guess to do that I'd need some XLR > 1/4" jack cables for output 2? Are the signal levels for output 2 any different than the others?

Like, I totally get this principle:
View attachment 27729

Whereas the Axe3 uses these:
View attachment 27730

I'm not 100% clear on the signal path/level differences.

FM9 manual says:

So I'm not too clear where output 2's level would need to be to get unity gain. But I guess I'd stick whatever effects I want so that out 2 goes into the inputs, and the outputs of the effects go back into input 2. Basically, I'm just a bit puzzled/wondering about signal levels and getting the most unity-gain signal possible, so I don't under or over gain the effects themselves.
Yes you'd want XLR to TS cables. I typically grab them off Amazon.

Setting levels can be quite an art. It looks like you're using some line-level-capable stuff? If so I'd guess it should be a little easier but I'm far from an expert on that. I'm positive you can get it working correctly. I'm just not sure what the optimal settings would be for that I/O loop.
Yes you'd want XLR to TS cables. I typically grab them off Amazon.

Setting levels can be quite an art. It looks like you're using some line-level-capable stuff? If so I'd guess it should be a little easier but I'm far from an expert on that. I'm positive you can get it working correctly. I'm just not sure what the optimal settings would be for that I/O loop.
I'm sure the Fractal-borg will tell me what to expect!
I don't really know the answer, but I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I'm guessing that Mark must have a really light touch? He's super precise too.

After playing around with "his rig" I'd definitely agree with this. He's running a fair bit of level boost in this chain into a pretty hot Deluxe Reverb and yet there's not much breakup on his tone.

Relatedly, I've had my EBMM Cutlass strung using the Mark Speer flatwound method* for a few weeks now and I really like it 🙂

* Buy a pack of Chrome 12s, throw away the bottom E; make the A the E, the D the A and so on; then add a plain 10 for the missing top E.
Interesting. I might have to try that on my EOB strat to see how it feels and sounds. Don't think I've ever played flatwounds on a guitar. Bass, yes. But never a guitar.
Interesting. I might have to try that on my EOB strat to see how it feels and sounds. Don't think I've ever played flatwounds on a guitar. Bass, yes. But never a guitar.

Oddly enough... in terms of tension, it feels the same or possibly a fraction lighter / slinkier than regular 10s. The idea behind the string substituion being to enable fairly "normal" bending on the 3 upper strings of course - especially the G which would usually be wound in jazzy flat sets.

This custom approach to flatwound 10s wasn't as big of a difference as I'd expected, having had 11s and 12s on my Jazzmaster in the past.

The smooth feeling with no finger noise is lovely, of course. And the balance between the string volumes and tones is really sweet.

It's also great that D'Addario sells single strings.

The product code is PL010, 0.25mm Plain Steel Single String.
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So I'm not too clear where output 2's level would need to be to get unity gain.
If you connect a cable from Out 2 to In 2 you can use a preset with a synth block at the front and pink noise from the block to figure out where the Out 2 knob needs to be to get unity gain out of it. Just use the level meters on grid. You should be able to bypass Out 2 and see no level change if it's unity gain.

Probably don't turn on your power amp when you're doing this? :D

Like this:


I'm sure the Fractal-borg will tell me what to expect!

Resistance is futile
I hate tiny expression pedals. But the Fractal EV-1 might be a bit too big. Lehle Mono Volume pedal and Cry Baby Multi for reference. Source Audio looks to be the winner for me.
