Fractal Talk

Thinking Think GIF by Rodney Dangerfield
Because I never do this and just got lucky. :banana

Because I never do this and just got lucky. :banana

Wait what
Improved pitch shifting
Did I overlook this with the FM3 release notes?
Wait what
Improved pitch shifting
Did I overlook this with the FM3 release notes?

First thing my eyes picked up on! Loading now!

Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes​


Improved Amp block preamp algorithms, especially for amps with multiple gain stages. Tones are “gutsier” and have a more dynamic response with more “pop”. Also improves accuracy when input of Amp block is driven by a Drive pedal (whether real or virtual).

Improved cathode follower algorithm improves accuracy near onset of clipping. This results in warmer tones at edge-of-breakup and better cleanup when rolling off the volume knob (for amps that use a cathode follower). Due to the new algorithm the Grid Clipping parameter has been removed.

New power amp algorithm. New algorithm more accurately models bias excursion and duty cycle modulation. The results in more complex tone with better, punchier feel.

Added “Envelope Filter” to Filter block. This is based on the classic Mutron effect with some modern touches:

  • The start and stop frequencies are freely assignable. Start can be lower or higher than stop. Simply set Start Freq higher than Stop Freq to sweep down.
  • The Sweep Shape knob controls the mapping of the detector to the filter frequency. A value of 0.0 is a linear mapping (like the original). Negative values yield anti-log behavior and positive values yield log behavior allowing fine-tuning of the filter behavior in response to the envelope.
  • The detector attack and release times are programmable. Default values match the original pedal.
  • The detector source is selectable between the block input or any of the hardware inputs. This allows placing the filter after an Amp or Drive block but using the instrument input as the source.
  • A detector meter facilitates easy adjustment of the detector sensitivity to match your guitar and playing dynamics.
Improved tuner. New algorithm is faster and more accurate.

Added Crossfade Time control to Crystal Echoes type in Pitch Block.

Improved pitch shifting.

Reduced CPU usage of Wah block slightly.

Remastered Vibrato Lux model.

Added date and time to version information returned to Axe-Edit. This obviates the need to “Refresh After New Firmware” if updating from beta releases (requires updated Axe-Edit).

Fixed wrong capacitor value in Band-Commander model.

Fixed missing PI grid stopper resistor in Comet 60 and Comet Concourse models.

Various other fixes and improvements.
There's some latency added to the Virtual Capo, to the point it was non-hyperbolicly unusable on some and hard to tolerate on the others. I was actually using it on something when I updated and went back to what I was working on, I wanted to keep working so I just reported it and posted the presets then rolled back the previous beta. That said, there seemed to be far less gargle when playing chords while dropping things down a couple steps.

I'm sure once Cliff comes back from the holiday weekend where he's surely not checking the beta thread with a bug squasher in his hand, it'll be all better.