Fractal Talk

Emojis are an interesting topic in general. My aunt actually recently published an academic book regarding the use of them in texts and their potential legal implications. May seem fluffy/inconsequential, but the way an emoji gets interpreted can have huge implications in how a legal case unfolds.
Because Internet is another interesting read on the subject. It's less academic in nature and doesn't really delve into anything like legal implications, but if you want to know why the internet "talks" the way it "talks," it's insightful.
It’s too
Because Internet is another interesting read on the subject. It's less academic in nature and doesn't really delve into anything like legal implications, but if you want to know why the internet "talks" the way it "talks," it's insightful.

I listened to a couple of interviews with the author; I thought what she had to say was really interesting, because I can’t stand most turns of phrase that have popularized in the modern era. Her explanation of the punctuation of young people today was particularly illuminating to me, that it originates with text messages, that it’s unnecessary to include a period to end a sentence, so if one does, it’s now perceived as a signal of aggression. That’s wild.
Yeah I’m anxious to try it. (I don’t do beta’s… yet) The FAS models are usually ace.
The FAS Stealth Blue is awesome. Doesn't clean up like a plexi, just too much gain, but for a hi-gain tone it is super dynamic.
I'm not trying to belittle or start an argument. But out of curiosity, is the Cooper Carter masterclass really worth it if you feel you have a good grip on fractal units?

Or can you just get your info from YT such as Leon, Brett etc
I'm not trying to belittle or start an argument. But out of curiosity, is the Cooper Carter masterclass really worth it if you feel you have a good grip on fractal units?

Or can you just get your info from YT such as Leon, Brett etc

I’m sure there is value for some in a structured course, but personally between the YT channels for G66 & Leon, I have more things to try then I will ever be able to get to in this lifetime. :ROFLMAO:
I’m sure there is value for some in a structured course, but personally between the YT channels for G66 & Leon, I have more things to try then I will ever be able to get to in this lifetime. :ROFLMAO:

Reminds me of that time in my 40s when I decided I finally needed to learn how to shred country like the Hellcasters.
Bought the soft cover instructional books, a couple of DVDs, and downloaded some stuff from that new fangled internet.

How good'd my chicken picken get?

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm
I’m sure there is value for some in a structured course, but personally between the YT channels for G66 & Leon, I have more things to try then I will ever be able to get to in this lifetime. :ROFLMAO:
The thing that I feel is that Cooper can explain how to do things (and in most case; it's going to be footswitching configurations ime) but the unit is still going to be a kludge in some regards no matter how much of the 138 hour intense training course you watch over a 12 week stretch. 7 times. It will remain comparably difficult for some no matter what.
I'm not trying to belittle or start an argument. But out of curiosity, is the Cooper Carter masterclass really worth it if you feel you have a good grip on fractal units?
In my opinion, no.

A few years ago, I purchased his Axe-FX III “masterclass” as an impulse buy and was surprised how much I already knew. So, in my case, it wasn’t a good investment.

Now, if you were new to modeling, the Fractal platform, or learn better by instruction and examples, it may be worthwhile. But there is so much free content available on YouTube or on the forums that, in addition to the manual, you’re pretty much covered.

Cooper’s a good dude and an asset to the Fractal community, but weigh out your options before laying down the coin.