Fractal Talk

Yeah everything sounds significantly better. It seems like there's more gain, but the gain is more integrated at lower levels. It's really addictive to play. I was messing around for 20 minutes just with an amp and cab, no reverb, no effects, sounded excellent. Tried a bunch of amps and they're noticeably different than before, but I like it. Almost feels like going through for the first time again.

Very quick impression but this is the most excited I've been with the Fractal amp sounds in a long time. I'm getting flashbacks to when I first got the AX8 and just fell in love with those sounds.
DynaCab-enabled X-Load?
Axe IV?
Waffle maker?

The possibilities are endless.
new beta sounds and feels fantastic on everything I've tried so far, super happy and grateful with the update. Hard for me to give specific descriptions, just more real, more betterer.

Part of me trying it out was going through my favourite amp models.

I'm still a bit perplexed by some of the Euro Uber behaviours - I LOVE that amp and often pair it with a Mesa cab in real life. The Fractal model falls into self oscillation way too easily which I've never encountered on the real thing. Either there is an issue with the impedance curve or way the NFB is handled. Even on SIC's that don't self oscillate, they become very ringy (almost like a sine wave behind the tone).

There are some ways to minimise the effects of this, but it seems like a quirk that doesn't happen (at least as easily) with the real amp. Its not a desirable sound - I think if anyone heard their real amp doing this, they'd be taking it to a tech asap.

I'm not demanding this be fixed at once (or indeed ever), just bringing it up as it seems so out of line with basically everything else in Fractal's universe that matches the real world so well. I know this isn't a recent issue, and its been brought up by various others at different points. My hope would be that solving it leads to improvements that benefit all the other amp models as well.

Cliffs previous comments on it. I have a Rev 2 (AKA Green), which is fairly early but possibly not as early as Cliffs model. I'm pretty sure these parts of the circuit are the same though. I am happy to test the amp with various Mesa cab loads to save Cliff having to break his back.

"The Uber has massive amounts of negative feedback and an RLC resonant network in the feedback. If the speaker impedance is highly resonant at the same frequency as the network (as is the Recto Straight) then the power amp becomes an oscillator if you turn the Presence down enough. I suspect the real amp would behave the same way but I'm simply not inclined at this time to lug a Recto cab up here to prove it. You can do the following:
  1. Reduce Depth
  2. Reduce Negative Feedback
  3. Use a different speaker impedance curve."
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Dimarzio Dick Crushers?

Cliff went up another notch in my book. He’s one of us. :ROFLMAO:

Cliff used to write comments like this on the FAS forum pretty frequently just a few years back. His sense of humor seems to be part of what made him persona non-grata with the mod team at TOP. Some humorless stiffs were offended and caused a fuss. I suspect that might be part of the reason why he doesn't "wax poetic" on the forum as frequently as he used to.
Cliff used to write comments like this on the FAS forum pretty frequently just a few years back. His sense of humor seems to be part of what made him persona non-grata with the mod team at TOP. Some humorless stiffs were offended and caused a fuss. I suspect that might be part of the reason why he doesn't "wax poetic" on the forum as frequently as he used to.

I can say with 100% authority that’ll never be an issue here. (Technically, I can only say it with 33.3% authority, but I know the other guys are on the same page)

Also, I’m putting an order in for some Dick Crushers for my Solar. Sounds like the perfect pickup for a drop tuned guitar that I only use for high gain chugga chugga shit!
I can say with 100% authority that’ll never be an issue here. (Technically, I can only say it with 33.3% authority, but I know the other guys are on the same page)

Also, I’m putting an order in for some Dick Crushers for my Solar. Sounds like the perfect pickup for a drop tuned guitar that I only use for high gain chugga chugga shit!
My favorite Cliff response is still the Dunning Kruger graph 🤣
new beta sounds and feels fantastic on everything I've tried so far, super happy and grateful with the update. Hard for me to give specific descriptions, just more real, more betterer.

Part of me trying it out was going through my favourite amp models.

I'm still a bit perplexed by some of the Euro Uber behaviours - I LOVE that amp and often pair it with a Mesa cab in real life. The Fractal model falls into self oscillation way too easily which I've never encountered on the real thing. Either there is an issue with the impedance curve or way the NFB is handled. Even on SIC's that don't self oscillate, they become very ringy (almost like a sine wave behind the tone).

There are some ways to minimise the effects of this, but it seems like a quirk that doesn't happen (at least as easily) with the real amp. Its not a desirable sound - I think if anyone heard their real amp doing this, they'd be taking it to a tech asap.

I'm not demanding this be fixed at once (or indeed ever), just bringing it up as it seems so out of line with basically everything else in Fractal's universe that matches the real world so well. I know this isn't a recent issue, and its been brought up by various others at different points. My hope would be that solving it leads to improvements that benefit all the other amp models as well.

Cliffs previous comments on it. I have a Rev 2 (AKA Green), which is fairly early but possibly not as early as Cliffs model. I'm pretty sure these parts of the circuit are the same though. I am happy to test the amp with various Mesa cab loads to save Cliff having to break his back.

I have never been able to use the Uber model for my setup. I go back to it periodically but always end up deleting whatever preset I made with it.