Fractal Talk

I've written this elsewhere, but I think that for 5ths, 4ths, octaves, and single notes, you can get great results with the pitch shifting in the Axe-FX III by setting it to Fast with Tracking at 0, increasing the output of the block with every half step you decrease pitch, and very carefully adjust the block's built in low and high cuts. I can often get results that sound utterly natural that way. For anything harmonically complex I haven't found a good way to use it.

Awesome dude, I’ll try that. 👍
I use the clear shrooms from Mooer across the bottom row on my FC12 and use the lampshade like ones from Mooer along the top row on the FC12. Reason is, I want the sloped edges for the switches I access more often (for me that is bottom row) because that makes them easier to hit (you can get them from a lower angle as your foot approaches the switch). The steep edges for the ones on the top row to prevent me from accidentally engaging them if my foot is a little to forward when hitting a lower row switch. Love them, they really take the led lighting from the switches and turn it into a glowing shroom (or candy top I think the steeper ones are called) ;~))

Anyone wanna guess where this is?