Fractal Talk

I’ve got the 212. It sounds just like a real cab.
The Laneys look super cool. I tried a 212 at a friend's house and hated it but I have very little confidence that I was hearing it in a decent context. It was sitting on top of a 212 in a room about as big as a walk-in closet.
@deadpool_25 blacked his out and they are muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better.
Thanks man. I got that idea from WKSmith.

I actually had no real interest in the FR-12 initially. Mainly because I don't love how it looks. While I dig some cleaner stuff, I'm mostly into modern metal type stuff and the HRD look doesn't really fit the aesthetic.

I only tried one because I was grabbing a TMP at a local GC and, on a whim, asked if they happened to have the matching speaker. I was only buying them to try next to the FM9/PXM (for science!) and I made the salesman fully aware than I planned on returning them. The TMP went back a few days later as planned, but I was surprised to find I liked the relatively inexpensive FR-12 better than the PXM.
I guess I'm lucky, I actually like the way they look and even like that they look like a Hot Rod Deluxe.

I prefer that they look like a standard Fender combo as opposed to how the Laney looks.

But truth be told, it's a minor consideration. Looks wise I'd be fine gigging with either, it's the weight and cost difference that would give me more pause. Even so I'd pay more for it and haul it around if the Laney sounded significantly better.
I have a hard time believing the Laney will be significantly better, given the praise of the FR12.
The Laneys look super cool. I tried a 212 at a friend's house and hated it but I have very little confidence that I was hearing it in a decent context. It was sitting on top of a 212 in a room about as big as a walk-in closet.
What'd you hate about it? I've been eyeing them up pretty hard.
This is something I'm sure FAS would look into and fix if they do find an inaccuracy. If you have any of the real world equivalent gear, I'd post clips of your guitar with the same riffs / licks played through the real life gear then though the models, as well as the raw DI track.

The one criticism I have of FAS is that the things Cliff doesn’t have much personal interest in don’t seem to get any attention. So if you’re gear tastes align with his it’s great, if not…
I actually had no real interest in the FR-12 initially. Mainly because I don't love how it looks. While I dig some cleaner stuff, I'm mostly into modern metal type stuff and the HRD look doesn't really fit the aesthetic.
Given your modern metal playing style I can now understand why you don't like the Hot Rod Deluxe style of the FR-12. Since I'm mostly a Jazz and R&B player the aesthetic is more compatible. It basically looks like a black version of my George Benson Hot Rod Deluxe.

The traditional Fender combo look combined with my 335 or 137 Custom is fine for my Jazz gigs. It actually makes me look normal. ; )

I have a hard time believing the Laney will be significantly better, given the praise of the FR12.

That's what I suspected but haven't heard the Laney personally.
The one criticism I have of FAS is that the things Cliff doesn’t have much personal interest in don’t seem to get any attention. So if you’re gear tastes align with his it’s great, if not…

I was just thinking that what you're bringing up is really an objective concern, not a personal preference. I thought you were saying the interaction between pedals and amps is not accurate in some way, so I was thinking if you showed the difference with your real life gear vs the Fractal models, that would be a clear and strong way to highlight whatever the weirdness is that you're hearing in the models. With a head to head example like that, Cliff might hear the difference right away and find something he had missed before. Just a thought.
The one criticism I have of FAS is that the things Cliff doesn’t have much personal interest in don’t seem to get any attention. So if you’re gear tastes align with his it’s great, if not…
Ehhh...I disagree strongly with that sentiment. The variety of amp, effect, and cab models; the incredibly flexible routing; the I/O options...there's basically nothing the fractals can't do. I mean, what gear tastes aren't addressed in there?

Laney FR212 in the house. Won't quite be a "fair" comparison since it's a 212 vs the Fender 1x12 but...whatever. And I'll be biased against the Laney because I totally just tweaked my back getting it into the house 😣
Bored GIF

Laney FR212 in the house. Won't quite be a "fair" comparison since it's a 212 vs the Fender 1x12 but...whatever. And I'll be biased against the Laney because I totally just tweaked my back getting it into the house 😣
What’s the weight on that 😮
Well I only spent about 30 minutes with it and I did compare it to the FR-12. Keep in mind my Fender has the Archangel V2 in it so it's not stock.

Initial impressions are that I'd be equally happy with either. The Laney sounds bigger but that's to be expected as it's twice the size (again, 212 vs 112). That's not to say the FR-12 doesn't also sound big--it sounds bigger than it should to me. It's too bad I don't have a Laney 112 here to try but oh well.

I played some heavy tones (5153) and some cleans (EJ Clean preset on the FM9). Both sounded great the whole time. I started with the bass EQ on the FR-12 at about 10:00 but noon seemed to be more in line with the Laney.

I'm glad I finally tried this thing in a different environment to the first try. Totally changed my opinion on it. I dig it.

Edit: if anyone is wondering, having an ice pack strapped to you lower back doesn't hinder your playing very much at all.