Fractal Talk

To each his own. But I've never understood people who buy gear, and refuse to learn how to use it. Then talk about how hard it is to use after spending no time trying to learn how it works.
Henning is cool, I like him and his content but I also learned to take him for who he is as a person.
Like when he played around with a helix box (actually he said it more than once)
“Line 6, just give me 5 or 7 amps and a couple of effects… this is to much”
Can you make this exact preset in a FM3 Mk II TURBO, would the amps sound the same? For my home setup it would be very nice to have a SPDIF out.
The sound produced by all the current generation is essentially the same.

I didn't watch the video so I have no idea what the preset was like, but core amp/cab stuff is the same...
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Now there's a blast from the past term! :pickle
Yeah, a little old. LOL But that's what it makes me think of. Not quite CMD levels of nerdiness, but not Windows 3.11 either.

I don't envy Cliff and Co. at all, if their intent is to improve the UI for the next gen. How do you keep that shit-ton of flexibility, but make it easier? I dunno. I'm a sysadmin, not a UI dev.
I'm a sysadmin.

You remember the mascot?


I'm having flashbacks to a time where every bar in America had at least one arcade game against the wall.

Friday nights after work hitting up the local watering hole and getting so hammered you'd almost pass out
at the sit down Ms. Pac-Mac....

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Henning is cool.

I actually couldn’t stand him at first, for some reason. I think maybe because I hadn’t acclimated to his “German-ness”. But yeah he’s awesome.

I love the guy. He’s honest, unfiltered, opinionated, and entertaining as fuck. I think that spending a few years on the Kemper forum helped acclimate me to German humor, because it is quite a bit different from us goofy Americans (and weirdo Australians)…
Okay, I watched the video. Not gonna lie, a little painful. But it does help having someone like Jon helping him. I get the feeling Henning would punt on the Fractal, if he didn't have the assistance. Between the option overload, and the Norton Commander-Style interface, it's just not as easy as the QC or even Helix.
There in lies the only real weakness of the fractals. Picture the fm9 with a temp or qc interface And no one would fault it ever
There in lies the only real weakness of the fractals. Picture the fm9 with a temp or qc interface And no one would fault it ever

It’s only a weakness if it bothers you. I can cruise around on the front panel of my Fractals easily. Could it be easier? Sure, but it’s really not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. It was much easier to learn than all the shit in Logic Pro…
You remember the mascot?


I'm having flashbacks to a time where every bar in America had at least one arcade game against the wall.

Friday nights after work hitting up the local watering hole and getting so hammered you'd almost pass out
at the sit down Mrs. Pac-Mac....

Ha no never saw that! I used it VERY early on in my computer experience, basically to go from game to game. My dad set it up because I didn’t like DOS on its own.
There in lies the only real weakness of the fractals. Picture the fm9 with a temp or qc interface And no one would fault it ever
Eh, but how would you have that same level of depth? For example, the QC and TMP don’t even have channels. The TMP doesn’t even have scenes, does it? How is this shit “professional”?
Between the option overload, and the Norton Commander-Style interface, it's just not as easy as the QC or even Helix.

I'm assuming he's speaking as from a new adopter POV.

I can cruise around on the front panel of my Fractals easily.

I'm assuming you're speaking from a Sr. Level fractal user POV.

Both sides are 100% valid!
I'm assuming he's speaking as from a new adopter POV.

I'm assuming you're speaking from a Sr. Level fractal user POV.

Both sides are 100% valid!
Right. There’s “easy to use” and then there’s “intuitive”. I think most of us can agree Fractal isn’t “intuitive”, but is it really that difficult to use? Eh, I don’t think so. Not for it’s level of flexibility.
Okay, I watched the video. Not gonna lie, a little painful. But it does help having someone like Jon helping him. I get the feeling Henning would punt on the Fractal, if he didn't have the assistance. Between the option overload, and the Norton Commander-Style interface, it's just not as easy as the QC or even Helix.
I don't know, I guess it's all about what you're used to.......I think the Fractal is super easy to operate, yet a lot of guys say the Helix is super easy, yet this Henning guy said right at the start of the video that he never figured out Helix Snapshots.......go figure.
Eh, but how would you have that same level of depth? For example, the QC and TMP don’t even have channels. The TMP doesn’t even have scenes, does it? How is this shit “professional”?

I think it would be pretty easy to graphically represent the different pages/scenes. The QC uses numeric pages and drop downs on the right side of the amp/effect screen. The same thing could be used for paging through Fractal pages. I could see having channel buttons or a dropdown on the left.

It’s not a problem of the Fractal platform being so in depth it transcends ability to work with a modern touch screen, it’s that Fractals core capability is modeling/tones and they probably don’t have the in-house manpower to develop that sort of UI. Just like Neural has the design and UI chops, but don’t have the depth of development capabilities tonally that Fractal has. (They ain’t Cliff lol)

My guess is Line 6 is positioned the best to bridge the gap first and combine both a modern UI with ridiculous modeling depth. IMO
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