Fractal Talk

I've seen FM0 mentioned a few times now but don't know what it is? :idk

Just the amps/effects in a small unit, no switches (doesn't exist, yet, only in @JiveTurkey's fevered mind).

Punk Fever Dream GIF by Pure Noise Records
Honestly, they'd be better off kicking off a subscription service where you pay your $10 a month, and get access to all of the amps that Fractal offer.

Or you monetize each individual amplifier at a $49 price point, and offer people bundle deals.

But then your customers would have demands on what you delivered and when…
As consumers we are all toxic narcissists. :LOL: Wanting what we want for our own reasons, regardless of the
implications for other consumers, or the creators of what we are consuming.

Makes me wonder what Fractals numbers are. I bet the home player is their largest source of revenue,
and by a quite significant margin. :idk

Hobbyists drive the music industry, period. If the only people buying gear were the working pros, the industry would collapse.
Oh man, this John Cordy video was really awesome:

I had never tried the Subway Blues amp before and it's absolutely killer. Like the perfect edge of breakup blues tone. Very rarely do I get plug and play tones but this was just awesome.

Also watching Leon Todd's Mesa Mk2 video yesterday, I think I need to start using Mesa amps more. I'm always looking at Fenders and Marshalls, or Friedmans for higher gain stuff. But watching how the Mark series are dialed in, I need to get better at learning how to use post amp EQ. I think that could really open things up for me.

Having spent the last few months flipping between modelers, and spending a lot of time with some physical amps (although all at low volumes, which is a big drawback), I'm starting to realize that modelers really are going to be the way to go for me, and likely through "FRFR". Even though I've used Fractal gear since I think 2017, I can still get some better tones.
I think I need to start using Mesa amps more.

If I ever get a real tube amp, I need to have the Mesas on my short list. I'm leaning towards getting rid of the Blackstar HT-5 and Katana Artist and getting something like a little Vibro Champ or Princeton. But it may be fun to have one of those little Mesa combos instead.

At the end of the day, I bet the Axe FX 3 running through a power amp and good 1x12 cab wouldn't be much different from a real tube amp into the same cab. Probably smarter for me to just keep it simple.
If I ever get a real tube amp, I need to have the Mesas on my short list. I'm leaning towards getting rid of the Blackstar HT-5 and Katana Artist and getting something like a little Vibro Champ or Princeton. But it may be fun to have one of those little Mesa combos instead.

At the end of the day, I bet the Axe FX 3 running through a power amp and good 1x12 cab wouldn't be much different from a real tube amp into the same cab. Probably smarter for me to just keep it simple.
Are you in some sort of unspoken contest with Bob? :unsure:
Not every company, nor owner, wants to maximize growth---as astute business persons know growth
offers its own set of challenges. Sometimes even doing in more than a few businesses, and their owners.

I watched a very successful gray market (pennies on the dollar) to retail (computer equipment) company invest $9 million in Oracle ERP software. No need other than slick slimy orcl SW sales and a “partner” … talked them right into BK

(btw … I may have been working for ORCL and knew the of partner at the time; I warned ‘em)

I think the bs rationale went something like this…

Company doing $8 million a year in sales decides they wanna grow and pop and IPO someday because that’s whatever MBA b-school grads is doing these days… saas obligation sink’s company well before ipo. They thought owning expensive software would make them one of the big boys… So foolhardy

I knew the owners quite well; prior biz partners and golf buddies. (Cost them a lifelong friendship too.)

They are still stinking rich, regardless… (inheritances/family $$$)

Over It Sigh GIF by hero0fwar
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Not every company, nor owner, wants to maximize growth---as astute business persons know growth
offers its own set of challenges. Sometimes even doing in more than a few businesses, and their owners.

Indeed. The company I work for bought the majority of land and buildings that make up Little Haiti in Miami. Our zoning laws in Florida changed recently and if you’d like to put a commercial building in the middle of some residential buildings, go for it! Want to add a residential structure on your commercial property? Do it up! We had a lot of options, we could have made parking lots out of them if we wanted.

After everyone’s suggestions on how to spend the owner’s money came in, he basically said “Thank you for those suggestions. Phase 1 is identifying what needs to be fixed and brought up to code. Phase 2 is fixing it. If you’re looking for a Phase 3, you can find it knowing you played a part of rebuilding one of Miami’s most impoverished areas without raising any rent or forcing anyone to move”

It’s stuff like that which make me very stoked to work for the company I work for, but at the same time, I know what that means for me, “Drew, we need $100K worth of supplies, tomorrow….for free…..and can you find me eight, 7-ton split systems for around $2K each, installed? Yeah, also need those tomorrow. Thanks” :rofl