Fractal Talk

Thanks for bringing this up I think 🤪
There’s smoke coming out of my ears right now .
Yeah, there's always something else to do!

I still want to go through all the factory presets, and cull the delays and probably the choruses too into my library. That way, rather than twisting knobs I'm not sure what they do, I can just click on the 'library' box, and insert a different example of that effect. To me, that's easier, even though it'll take some time to set this up. I'll do sections at a time while I'm watching Suits. :rofl
Yeah, there's always something else to do!

I still want to go through all the factory presets, and cull the delays and probably the choruses too into my library. That way, rather than twisting knobs I'm not sure what they do, I can just click on the 'library' box, and insert a different example of that effect. To me, that's easier, even though it'll take some time to set this up. I'll do sections at a time while I'm watching Suits. :rofl
Not a bad idea.
Drag, drop, and bam you’re in business !
I sit down with intent and before I know it I’ve played the same riff for an hour .
Then… wait what was I going to do .
Does anyone know if there is a save thread function here.
There are certain things I’m not prepared to absorb yet and would like to return to them at some point.
Depending on what browser you use, it might have a "Reading list" feature. It's kind of like bookmarks but just compiles a list of stuff you might want to read in the future where it's easy to add and remove things.
Depending on what browser you use, it might have a "Reading list" feature. It's kind of like bookmarks but just compiles a list of stuff you might want to read in the future where it's easy to add and remove things.
Damn you’re right!
Too much technology turns my brain to mush at times.
Wow. Thank you Ian! I had even posted in that thread, but I guess since it was so long ago, I forgot. I'll have to dig into it now that I'm into this "zone."

(Although I'm not sure it will last that long, before I go back to "Just enjoy what I have and keep practicing" zone! :rofl :rawk )
It just never really got much traction. Would be cool to see it flourish though.
Ok, so far, I'M LOVING THIS!!

I started at the beginning of the Factory Presets (from now on: FP's) for the delays, then I went searching for FP's that, based on the name, looked like they'd have good examples of Chorus in them.

I gave them short abbreviations, like AnSt for Analog Stereo, appended each one a higher number each time I saved a new example of the same effect type, and also added a "_xxxx", where the x represents the # of the FP it came from (so I can jump around and not lose track of which FP's I've already copied from.)

I currently have 24 Choruses, that are basically "presets", since they came from FP's that someone else already dialed in, which to me, is the best part of this little exercise.

I looped a short section of Dsus2, Csus2, Bbsus2, then just subbed in each of those choruses, and it was effin' AWESOME doing it this way!!

I honestly don't know why Fractal doesn't have someone go through all their FP's and do this, since it would be just like creating effect presets for all their block types.

Btw, within each preset I went into, I did check to see if any effect that was used in the channels had the same settings, so I wouldn't save a duplicate, which was the most tedious part of doing this. (I wish we could open extra instances of AE!!) But that's not say I won't eventually end up with effects that are the same, if they came from different FP's. But it is what it is. These blocks only take up 1-2 KB on my computer, so at least memory's a non-issue.
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Here's one for us Fractal guys. I got thinking about this reading posts here about how the FAS workflow ain't the greatest (which I agree with.)

We don't have effects presets. So I figured, why not make my own, by pulling out effects from factory presets?

I'd love any help. Here's what I posted over at Fractal:
I do this all the time in the editor by saving blocks. I've ported them over from the Ultra days even. LOL.
Alright so now that we all have Dynacabs I'm wondering what could possibly be next ?
I'm pretty sure Cliff is working on something for sure

Numbers Calculating GIF by netflixlat
Badlander and Fillmore, obviously.
The PXM-12MP is absolutely unbelievable as an "FRFR" monitor!
As much as I hate to say it, much much better than my ASC-10s were.
Thank you for this, I also have one and I was wondering how it stacks up since I never tried anything else extensively. I like it but I didn't know if I was hearing it well.
Strymon porting another pedal into a plugin. UAD releasing a load more pedals porting their plugins to pedals.

Fractal have had ages to lead the way on this stuff, I really hope they look into porting their code to different products with a focus on useability, workflow, speed.
I bought a Fractal device specifically because I don't want to use plugins. I just want to switch on and play and not touch my computer or 3rd party audio interfaces. Don't really care about plugins at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not trying to argue BTW. Just adding my voice to the demographic cross section here 🙂

Okay okay, sometimes I use FM9-Edit. But not all the time.
I bought a Fractal device specifically because I don't want to use plugins. I just want to switch on and play and not touch my computer or 3rd party audio interfaces. Don't really care about plugins at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not trying to argue BTW. Just adding my voice to the demographic cross section here 🙂

Okay okay, sometimes I use FM9-Edit. But not all the time.
I'd go for a Fractal plugin with the Axe-Edit interface easily. One big box off my desk.

I like Line6's approach where you get the plugin for next to nothing if you buy the hardware. I got a lot of use from "oh, my Helix Floor is not home, let's just play the plugin!" shenanigans. Plus now that I no longer have the hardware I can still try the latest and greatest Helix thing via Helix Native.

But really what I want from Fractal for next gen is something that is faster to use without Axe-Edit and preferably compact and powerful ala QC. I expect they will make another rack unit first considering that's what their pro artists prefer.
I bought a Fractal device specifically because I don't want to use plugins. I just want to switch on and play and not touch my computer or 3rd party audio interfaces. Don't really care about plugins at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it’s precisely the reason why I have a fractal unit sat on my desk that doesn’t get used because other stuff is faster and more convenient. I have never even put the fm-3 on the floor because it’s so massive - they really just don’t make a product that suits my needs, despite the fact I love the sound and features. I want to be able to use and edit multiple instances, mix and match with other plugins I own, do stuff with automation, save presets and sounds within a DAW session, use certain fx over different parts of a mix.

Having smaller form factor pedals that only focus on particular fx with a focus on useability would also be extremely popular. The FM-3 is massive and slow to use if I only want to do specific tasks, it has the UI and size of a workhorse/centrepiece rather than something to compliment my existing gear.

In a lot of ways, using Fractal gives me the worst of both analog (limited to one instance at a time, physical space, power, patchbay real estate) and the worst of digital (external latency, one sample rate, one instance at a time, lots of unused features/complex UI),

Fractal have already done the R&D and are sat on the code. Line 6, Eventide, UAD, Strymon, TC etc all cashing in with various products aimed at different areas of the industry using their existing code. There’s a huge market sat there raring to go, Fractal have had it available for ages if they want it.

Only catering to a narrow pool of guitarists who are prepared to use their products in specific ways is such a small minded way at looking at technology IMO. There’s so much scope to use exactly the same tech in a multitude of ways. A lot of the hard work is already done
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I take Cliff at face value when he says he’s concerned about his IP and that plug-in capabilities undermine that market significantly for Fractal Audio

If I owned the company, I would hope I would have the freedom to make those kind of decisions for my firm. So far so good.