Fractal Talk


You want mic choices, buy the DynaCab packs and use Cab-Lab.
Which is a poorly implemented solution since you can't bring those cabs into the hardware, just an IR mix. Cab Lab would be a more viable product if it could export IRs to use on any device you want. Even if you use something other than Fractal in the future, you'd still have value with it.

Another problem is that the DynaCabs released for Cab Lab are either same cabs you have already but with more mics, or that one York Audio cab that you already have as a Fractal version.

IMO the DynaCab mic options that are on the hardware cover enough ground, but next gen definitely will have more mics on offer.

Fractal was talking about having bass cabs before DynaCabs released, I wonder what happened to those?
Not an elegant choice by any means, not for me anyway , bu really i was just wondering why this was so
Firmware space most likely. I still feel they could just reclaim the space of the old factory IRs for more Dyna-Cabs and let people use user slots for factory IRs they want to keep using.
Yup i rarely if ever use any Legacy cabs, Dynacabs and certain user IR's for me, but thats me
still i dont think the fractal where its at now needs 1000 IR's

I imagine, and this is pure conjecture, that the entire collection of traditional factory IRs take up an insignificant amount of space compared to DynaCabs. I just don't guess it would even make a dent in the amount of space you'd need, since a single mic in a DynaCab pack represents hundreds of thousands of traditional IRs.
I imagine, and this is pure conjecture, that the entire collection of traditional factory IRs take up an insignificant amount of space compared to DynaCabs. I just don't guess it would even make a dent in the amount of space you'd need, since a single mic in a DynaCab pack represents hundreds of thousands of traditional IRs.
Well i sure dont pretend to know how Dynamic space allocation is done for the Mics
but if we look at Helix and QC version of their implementations, they have much more than 4 choices

The Dyna-Cabs with all of their additional mic choices not being on the hardware is the main reason I can't wait for the IV to come out!
Hopefully we will see all these on the IV along with Dyna-Cab user slots for third party options......
Well i sure dont pretend to know how Dynamic space allocation is done for the Mics
but if we look at Helix and QC version of their implementations, they have much more than 4 choices

Helix afaik has far less IRs, not sure about QC. Afaik many QC cabs are done by ML Sound Lab so it might be same IRs used in the MIKKO plugin. But the QC is built for that cab sims so they can take it into account whereas Line6 and Fractal put together a solution that works within the limitations of their current gen.

The staples like a SM57+Ribbon or just a good condenser on its own are in the Dyna-Cabs, so for me at least it's more than enough for this gen. I'd rather have more cabs, than more mics on existing cabs.
This is true, but was just curious as to why only 4 Mic's

I think the original dyna-cab file for the FM9 was only around 11MB. Not sure what kind of sorcery Cliff did to get the file that small. But if there was enough room for a more robust version, my guess is that he would have done it. Pretty amazing the things we get for free long after purchasing the product.
Afaik many QC cabs are done by ML Sound Lab so it might be same IRs used in the MIKKO plugin
Pretty sure only the very early NDSP plugins used ML IR’s, which IMO weren’t the best (I think his more recent stuff is waaaaayyy better). I know Nolly did a sizeable amount of the Quad Cortex IR’s, which are the same as many of the plugin IR’s. More recently they’ve been doing them in house, and I think a lot of the QC stuff that Nolly didn’t make was done by them. I don’t think the ML ones are in the QC as they used very few IR’s to interpolate with compared to the more recent ones.
Spend a couple of hours tweaking the Cab-Lab 4 packs that I have purchased. Find a "eureka!!" tone. Load the IR to the Axe-FX. Play with joy for a while. Compare it with my old Dyna-Cab settings... Just to find that that the result is almost identical to what I already had using the Axe-FX internal Dyna-Cabs and mics
Tired Tv Land GIF by TV Land Classic
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Pretty sure only the very early NDSP plugins used ML IR’s, which IMO weren’t the best (I think his more recent stuff is waaaaayyy better). I know Nolly did a sizeable amount of the Quad Cortex IR’s, which are the same as many of the plugin IR’s. More recently they’ve been doing them in house, and I think a lot of the QC stuff that Nolly didn’t make was done by them. I don’t think the ML ones are in the QC as they used very few IR’s to interpolate with compared to the more recent ones.
They removed a lot of MLstuff
And added a bunch of of the Nolly cabs prior to releases not sure what happened there?
Maybe because of Mikko launch they felt he was to close a competitor, maybe they had a better business relationship w Nolly
As soon as Mikko started doing Amp modelling plug in and his IR Mikko plug in the relationship seemed to have gone south