It's funny, I know I posted a few weeks back about how I was having some second thoughts towards modeling when I started playing through amps for the first time since I got the AxeFX five years ago, now that I've had a few months of getting reacquainted with amps I'm re-dialing in presets and it's a bit like experiencing it all again for the first time because I wasn't dialing in presets to be this raw or with more detail in the low/low mids, dialing the highs back a bit, just overall making them far less ready to fit in a mix and sound more like an amp just being an amp.
I didn't bother trying to match the exact tones between my EVH head and the 50-watt model, but I made a preset for each using the same DynaCabs I use with the head, I had a good chuckle when I started dialing in the model because had I just walked in the room without paying attention to what I was plugged into, I wouldn't have known. It's the stuff like how the strings ring out when you take your hands off them that really cracks me up.