Fractal Talk

It needs practicality improvements, like say the manual integrated so you can find out what various params do without digging out the Blocks Guide.
I dunno, man. What you're asking for sounds a whoooooooole lot like a paid-for app that would run...not a small amount of money. Not a freely downloadable computer editor that makes life easier for the owners of a pretty fairly priced hardware signal processor. Would it be cool? Yeah, but I'm not interested in paying an extra $50-100 for an Axe Fx IV for inclusion of that; nor am I at all interested in slowing down what are at this point pretty asymptotic improvements in actual signal processing.
I think the current version of Axe-Edit kicks ass......I'm just hoping they make a version for iPad that will wirelessly connect to the Axe IV
I dunno, man. What you're asking for sounds a whoooooooole lot like a paid-for app that would run...not a small amount of money. Not a freely downloadable computer editor that makes life easier for the owners of a pretty fairly priced hardware signal processor. Would it be cool? Yeah, but I'm not interested in paying an extra $50-100 for an Axe Fx IV for inclusion of that; nor am I at all interested in slowing down what are at this point pretty asymptotic improvements in actual signal processing.
You are already paying for the development in the price of the hardware, and Fractal benefits from constant updates because it makes their gear seem "fresh" even when the Axe-Fx 3 is now about 6 years old. A Boss GT-1000 is about the same age but feels much more dated because it's been roughly the same from the start.

The manual already exists, so the content portion is done. It's mostly a question of how to map parameters to either jump to the right section in the manual or show the right snippet of information. It's a lot of work for sure.

You could do this just on block level e.g "show me the Multiplexer manual" which makes it much easier as often you might be curious about multiple params.

The point is, there's plenty of things that could be done to make the software better. IMO a visual overhaul does very little for the end user.
You are already paying for the development in the price of the hardware, and Fractal benefits from constant updates because it makes their gear seem "fresh" even when the Axe-Fx 3 is now about 6 years old. A Boss GT-1000 is about the same age but feels much more dated because it's been roughly the same from the start.

The manual already exists, so the content portion is done. It's mostly a question of how to map parameters to either jump to the right section in the manual or show the right snippet of information. It's a lot of work for sure.

You could do this just on block level e.g "show me the Multiplexer manual" which makes it much easier as often you might be curious about multiple params.

The point is, there's plenty of things that could be done to make the software better. IMO a visual overhaul does very little for the end user.
Yeah, the fact that I'm paying for the development is exactly why I'm "meh" about further developing an editor that works perfectly fine for anyone with a normal number of presets. If Metallica's tech needs a better way to organize the number of presets he needs to pick and choose from in building a particular set that may cover 35 years worth of music...let him do the lifting for it.
You are already paying for the development in the price of the hardware, and Fractal benefits from constant updates because it makes their gear seem "fresh" even when the Axe-Fx 3 is now about 6 years old. A Boss GT-1000 is about the same age but feels much more dated because it's been roughly the same from the start.

The manual already exists, so the content portion is done. It's mostly a question of how to map parameters to either jump to the right section in the manual or show the right snippet of information. It's a lot of work for sure.

You could do this just on block level e.g "show me the Multiplexer manual" which makes it much easier as often you might be curious about multiple params.

The point is, there's plenty of things that could be done to make the software better. IMO a visual overhaul does very little for the end user.

I think that’s a great idea. An optional toggle where if you hover over a parameter or switch, it displays a brief snippet of what the parameter does. Lots of plugins offer some form of it. (Logic displays the overview in a fixed area, iZotope actually does a little pop out bubble) Would be really cool, plus maybe a direct link to manual area if you want a deep dive explanation.
You are already paying for the development in the price of the hardware, and Fractal benefits from constant updates because it makes their gear seem "fresh" even when the Axe-Fx 3 is now about 6 years old. A Boss GT-1000 is about the same age but feels much more dated because it's been roughly the same from the start.

The manual already exists, so the content portion is done. It's mostly a question of how to map parameters to either jump to the right section in the manual or show the right snippet of information. It's a lot of work for sure.

You could do this just on block level e.g "show me the Multiplexer manual" which makes it much easier as often you might be curious about multiple params.

The point is, there's plenty of things that could be done to make the software better. IMO a visual overhaul does very little for the end user.
Eventide's H90 editor has links to the online manual for each algorithm. It's a nice feature. I don't see why Fractal couldn't do something similar.
I'm "meh" about further developing an editor that works perfectly fine for anyone with a normal number of presets.

I can't help but thinking this would be like trying to improve a AAA road map. Thing's gonna get 99% of people from point A to B just fine as is.
Anyone wanting or needing more from it is an outlier by default - all respect, but why bother investing an ounce into changing it just for them?

* another original AX8 owner that considered the editor even back then AMAZING balls!
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If you invert the colors of FM9-Edit, you end up with something vaguely Dieter Rams-ish design - not a lot of superfluous elements. Obviously with the limitations of graphics editor invert functionality making many things look crap. The old Axe-Edit by comparison has a lot of highlights that detract from functionality (reading the knob position), but that was the look of a lot of software back at the time.

I think for example NeuralDSP executes functional minimalism quite well in some of their plugin UI designs, where the skeumorphism does not detract. This is from the Mateus Asato plugin:


I don't think that sort of aesthetic would necessarily work for Axe-Edit though, since it needs to present a unified UI for a lot of different block types. Maybe something Axe-Edit could use is some color coding for grouping parameters together, say amp EQ.

It's clearly slow firmware update week when we are talking about this stuff! :ROFLMAO:
What the fuck are you trying to do to my eyes!?!??!
I'm on the other side of this; I like the old style better! To me skeumorphism is more beautiful in general.

I understand the design aesthetic eschewing skeumorphism, but I feel that too much modern design is based on minimalism, without ornamentation. I feel like it began with Steve Jobs being influenced by the Japanese minimalist design of his friend's mother.

To me designs in the real world, even when the technology behind those objects are obsolete, can have inherent beauty. The design of audio knobs and switches is in that category.

To me, just because we're in a world dominated by computers, it doesn't mean we have to live in an aesthetic largely dominated by aesthetics of computers themselves.

And to clarify, I think Japanese minimalism is beautiful, and it has warmth to it. To me Apple took that and removed the warmth, making it sci Fi, but that's awesome for what it is. What I think sucks is trying to base all design on that. I love my computers to look like they're from some tech utopia future, but I love for design elements on a screen, where most of us are productive, to have a warmth to it.

In this one way, I love what IK Multimedia does with Amplitube.

If you need me, I'll be in the shed demolishing my computers while crying uncontrollably...
As a more visual person I prefer the tmp / head rush interface as long as the landscape is used well but on the top it’s a lot of wasted space
As a more visual person I prefer the tmp / head rush interface as long as the landscape is used well but on the top it’s a lot of wasted space

It's funny, for all the talk about those units I haven't even paid attention to what they're doing for interfaces. I'm thinking entirely of plugins and how beautiful some of them look, because that's all I used for a long time, until I got the Axe-FX III.

But still the only thing that truly matters in the end is the sound. I know Fractal is not only a smaller company that the competitors, but also independent, so there's not this huge budget for a group of engineers wholly dedicated to UI. I've read that, for Microsoft, e.g., the amount that they spend of UI alone is staggering. And of course with sound substance over style is so much more important. The coolest looking Plexi sim doesn't help you if it doesn't feel like a Plexi!

I do think it's a cool decision to say "I don't give a shit about creating a bunch of pretty colors and graphics to appease people looking for something superficial" and instead dedicating oneself entirely to what is essential, the sound and the power.

On the other hand I actually find it very helpful to bring up pictures of the amp models in the Axe when I'm dialing in; it helps me with targeting the tone in my head. And I don't know if this is a weakness of mine, or if it's something common to guitarists. Whatever the case, for me it's real.

But in my plugin days, I would so often lament that the sound and feel was so off, it started to feel like a video game, like all these pretty graphics were telling me "this should sound good," when it just didn't sound or feel right.

Then I found the now retired Thermionik suite by Kazrog, whose interface seems to be directly inspired by FAS, and I loved those sims; they felt closer to real tube amps than any sim I had played through. So that was a stepping stone to me to FAS.

Once I got into tone creation with the Axe-FX III though, everything just felt completely right while playing; if I closed my eyes, I was totally listening to myself play through a great amp mic'd in isolation. Of course there have been many updates since I got my unit, but even when I first got the unit it felt that way; it just gets more and more accurate as it goes along.
Oooh, unexpected FM9 Edit update today!

Here's the release notes:


VERSION 1.02.12
June 10, 2024

Current FM9 Firmware Version: 7.00

* Mac version requires OS version 10.13 or newer
* Windows version requires Windows 7 or newer
* Minimum firmware version 3.00


* Corrected the "Reset Current Channel" to work on the Controllers block.

* Corrected the Audition functionality in the Manage Presets Browser window to keep the window focus when auditioning with up and down arrow keys.

* Modified the "Export Preset+Cab Bundle" to take into account a Cab block's channel Mode selection such that DynaCab selections are shown correctly in the resulting "Export Preset+Cab Bundle" dialog.

* Corrected the selected control's focus rectangle to track with the focused control.

* Corrected an issue in FC Edit and FC Per-Preset Edit in which clicking a footswitch while a "Custom Label" was open for editing would apply the edited label to the newly clicked switch.

* Corrected an issue in "Set in multiple presets" in which the relative position of the control was sent instead of the last queried relative position from the device. Due to pixel differences, the editor's relative position of a control may not match exactly to the device's internally calculated value.

* Corrected a bug in "FC Edit" in which assigning a footswitch to View with an Inc/Dec function displayed a menu with -3 to +3 values. The menu now shows the correct -1 and +1 values.

PLEASE NOTE: Starting with firmware 3.00, FM9-Edit 1.01.00 (or greater) is required to communicate with the FM9. Previous versions of FM9-Edit (versions 1.00.06 or less) are not compatible with firmware 3.00 or greater. FM9-Edit 1.01.00 (or greater) is not compatible with previous firmware versions 1.0 through 2.02.

* * *
Oooh, unexpected FM9 Edit update today!

Here's the release notes:


VERSION 1.02.12
June 10, 2024

Current FM9 Firmware Version: 7.00

* Mac version requires OS version 10.13 or newer
* Windows version requires Windows 7 or newer
* Minimum firmware version 3.00


* Corrected the "Reset Current Channel" to work on the Controllers block.

* Corrected the Audition functionality in the Manage Presets Browser window to keep the window focus when auditioning with up and down arrow keys.

* Modified the "Export Preset+Cab Bundle" to take into account a Cab block's channel Mode selection such that DynaCab selections are shown correctly in the resulting "Export Preset+Cab Bundle" dialog.

* Corrected the selected control's focus rectangle to track with the focused control.

* Corrected an issue in FC Edit and FC Per-Preset Edit in which clicking a footswitch while a "Custom Label" was open for editing would apply the edited label to the newly clicked switch.

* Corrected an issue in "Set in multiple presets" in which the relative position of the control was sent instead of the last queried relative position from the device. Due to pixel differences, the editor's relative position of a control may not match exactly to the device's internally calculated value.

* Corrected a bug in "FC Edit" in which assigning a footswitch to View with an Inc/Dec function displayed a menu with -3 to +3 values. The menu now shows the correct -1 and +1 values.

PLEASE NOTE: Starting with firmware 3.00, FM9-Edit 1.01.00 (or greater) is required to communicate with the FM9. Previous versions of FM9-Edit (versions 1.00.06 or less) are not compatible with firmware 3.00 or greater. FM9-Edit 1.01.00 (or greater) is not compatible with previous firmware versions 1.0 through 2.02.

* * *
I think all 3 editors got an update today.
It's funny, for all the talk about those units I haven't even paid attention to what they're doing for interfaces. I'm thinking entirely of plugins and how beautiful some of them look, because that's all I used for a long time, until I got the Axe-FX III.

But still the only thing that truly matters in the end is the sound. I know Fractal is not only a smaller company that the competitors, but also independent, so there's not this huge budget for a group of engineers wholly dedicated to UI. I've read that, for Microsoft, e.g., the amount that they spend of UI alone is staggering. And of course with sound substance over style is so much more important. The coolest looking Plexi sim doesn't help you if it doesn't feel like a Plexi!

I do think it's a cool decision to say "I don't give a shit about creating a bunch of pretty colors and graphics to appease people looking for something superficial" and instead dedicating oneself entirely to what is essential, the sound and the power.

On the other hand I actually find it very helpful to bring up pictures of the amp models in the Axe when I'm dialing in; it helps me with targeting the tone in my head. And I don't know if this is a weakness of mine, or if it's something common to guitarists. Whatever the case, for me it's real.

But in my plugin days, I would so often lament that the sound and feel was so off, it started to feel like a video game, like all these pretty graphics were telling me "this should sound good," when it just didn't sound or feel right.

Then I found the now retired Thermionik suite by Kazrog, whose interface seems to be directly inspired by FAS, and I loved those sims; they felt closer to real tube amps than any sim I had played through. So that was a stepping stone to me to FAS.

Once I got into tone creation with the Axe-FX III though, everything just felt completely right while playing; if I closed my eyes, I was totally listening to myself play through a great amp mic'd in isolation. Of course there have been many updates since I got my unit, but even when I first got the unit it felt that way; it just gets more and more accurate as it goes along.
Some people just gel with visual interfaces vs non visual. Like the older Roland or Yamaha synths vs the Korg touchscreen synths .. then Roland jumped in with more visit screens on some synths like fantom