Fractal Talk

Imagine, if you will, a user base divided between those who remember life before the iPhone, and those who don't. :horse
Well, I'd certainly fall in the former category, and this is beside the point. Setting aside touchscreens, or even GUIs (though why you would choose to do so is beyond me), there's still plenty of room for good UI design and bad UI design. Small, simple examples: Enter and Edit buttons with extremely similar, completely ambiguous, arguably inconsistent functions - one of them hidden on the far side of a large rotary encoder that's centered between them for no discernable reason: bad design. Page left and page right buttons in addition to left and right buttons (as part of a typical D-pad configuration), positioned beneath everything else, to select tabs displayed at the top of the screen: bad design. Etc.

Much of the rest of the UI is fine, but it exposes a feature set which IMO is needlessly bloated and overcomplicated. Presumably the result of years and years of additions and enhancements, and too few "haircuts".
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Good for you, but that wasn't my point. I was just noticing that the thing Cliff uses, AxeFX, progresses a lot faster than the things he doesn't use, AxeEdit and FM3. It's been years since there was a significant new feature added to AxeEdit. So it seems like his personal usage habits might have an influence on their development progress.

I definitely did not mean start a bunch of "The UI sucks", "no it doesn't".
I think your causal connection is just incorrect on this, though. The Axe Fx III is the big daddy with the big processor and it is the device that he does all the development on which then trickles down to the FM stuff. I can't imagine his choice to use the III is the reason.
Reading with Kindergartner level context clues: "Having used personal computers at work all day, I'd rather use the digital processor's UI itself rather than a personal computer."
He also specifically made the point about having real (i.e. physical) knobs, which somehow got neglected along the way.
Good for you, but that wasn't my point. I was just noticing that the thing Cliff uses, AxeFX, progresses a lot faster than the things he doesn't use, AxeEdit and FM3. It's been years since there was a significant new feature added to AxeEdit. So it seems like his personal usage habits might have an influence on their development progress.
Axe-Fx 3 progresses faster only because it's the main development platform and everything Cliff achieves on that platform has to be ported to work on a totally different DSP architecture found in the FM3 and FM9. So that takes time.

Axe-Edit is developed by its own team, no idea how many people but probably only a couple. I do agree that it should get new features more often as there's also a lot of low hanging fruit, like say better preset/IR management where they could do more outside what Axe-Fx 3 can do.
I think your causal connection is just incorrect on this, though. The Axe Fx III is the big daddy with the big processor and it is the device that he does all the development on which then trickles down to the FM stuff. I can't imagine his choice to use the III is the reason.

That wouldn't explain the slow AxeEdit progress though. You don't think if he used AxeEdit we'd be seeing more new stuff in AxeEdit?
Imagine my elation when I realized I couldn't choose items from the Block Library without Axe Edit. It's almost like it's not really an FM3 feature, per se.


Yeah at first I was like “WHY THE HELL CANT I CHOOSE BLOCK LIBRARIES ON-DEVICE?” but I then realized it was a complete non issue because “WHY THE HELL AM I NOT USING AXE-EDIT”
What is missing from AxeEdit? Not much progress has been made on the Axe Fx UI either, yet he uses that all the time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
apocalypse now horror GIF by Maudit
Axe-Edit is developed by its own team, no idea how many people but probably only a couple. I do agree that it should get new features more often as there's also a lot of low hanging fruit, like say better preset/IR management where they could do more outside what Axe-Fx 3 can do.

AxeEdit is looking pretty neglected compared to other editors these days. Even Rig Manager is far better for preset management.
Possibly because I don't feel like dragging half my office behind me everywhere I want to play guitar?


Of course, but the “solution” is to never use the device anywhere that you can’t tether it to AxeEdit when you need to re-configure anything. :ROFLMAO:

Solved. Next issue…