Fractal Talk

So there're the Deluxe reverb and the Plexi fixes, plus the new CF algorithm not ported to the FM's, aren't they? I hope it doesn't take too long, it's something it drive me a bit crazy about fractal updates.
So there're the Deluxe reverb and the Plexi fixes, plus the new CF algorithm not ported to the FM's, aren't they? I hope it doesn't take too long, it's something it drive me a bit crazy about fractal updates.
that they happen at a faster rate than any other platform, despite the fact that they have two separate firmwares to develop? If you use the deluxe reverb vibrato channel a lot, just roll back to a firmware where it is correct.
that they happen at a faster rate than any other platform, despite the fact that they have two separate firmwares to develop? If you use the deluxe reverb vibrato channel a lot, just roll back to a firmware where it is correct.
I think this sort of bug fix stuff would be best rolled to all the platforms ASAP though. Fractal seems to be able to crank them out pretty quickly on the Axe-Fx 3, so adding those fixes to the other platforms should not be much of an ordeal.
I think this sort of bug fix stuff would be best rolled to all the platforms ASAP though. Fractal seems to be able to crank them out pretty quickly on the Axe-Fx 3, so adding those fixes to the other platforms should not be much of an ordeal.

I think it's all a matter of what Cliff personally uses :giggle:. He uses the AxeFX, so that gets plentiful new features that are delivered quickly. He doesn't use the FM3, so that moves more slowly. He doesn't use AxeEdit so that rarely gets new features.
I think it's all a matter of what Cliff personally uses :giggle:. He uses the AxeFX, so that gets plentiful new features that are delivered quickly. He doesn't use the FM3, so that moves more slowly. He doesn't use AxeEdit so that rarely gets new features.

Interesting. Is that true?
Interesting. Is that true?
Who knows and I doubt that would be the reasoning. I THINK there is a different guy/ group of folks that are in charge of porting stuff from the III over to the FM, and that they are not completely micromanaged in how they go about how that's done. I could definitely see being charge of that kind of project and saying "uh, I'm not gonna drop what I'm doing every time there's a small numerical error. A new firmware will come out soon enough and we can fix it then. It's not like having a slightly bonked model of the deluxe reverb vibrato channel in the latest firmware is going to make the whole music industry stop generating clean guitar tones or anything."
Interesting. Is that true?

Cliff is the primary (if not sole) developer for the rack unit. One he does his thing, there are other people tasked with porting things over to the floor units. Sometimes it’s easy, but sometimes they have to really work to get things to run properly on the lower powered units. As of now, the FM3 is not able to run the updated spring reverb due to CPU limitations.
Cliff is the primary (if not sole) developer for the rack unit. One he does his thing, there are other people tasked with porting things over to the floor units. Sometimes it’s easy, but sometimes they have to really work to get things to run properly on the lower powered units. As of now, the FM3 is not able to run the updated spring reverb due to CPU limitations.

Cliff when the other Frac devs get near the AxeFX…

Stop That Jason Sudeikis GIF by Saturday Night Live
That Cliff never uses AxeEdit? Yes, he's said so.

I have an Axe FX 3 that never leaves its home next to my desk, I always use Axe Edit with it. However, I also have an FM9T that is primarily used with my band, and more often than not I program it on my living room coffee table without the editor.
I never used the editor either, when I had the FM 9 and 3. I like real knobs and not using a computer when I’m playing and setting up sounds.
Got some fucking GREAT tones today using the PVH 6160+ LEAD today. Really really damn good. But you gotta crank that resonance/depth control!!