Fractal Talk

Animated GIF
Even editing MIDI CC values? No. Because that is literally completely unavailable using the editor software.
Better to learn the unit itself for lots of things.
It's hard to bring up the subject of visuals because people will shoot you down as being superficial and you'll be lectured with "it's only the sound that matters". But the visuals do matter. The tools you use should have a look that inspires you.
It's only the sound that matters. ;)
Love Sting. But he is pompous as fuck. :)
His two pomposities that stand out in my head are:

1. "If you don't impress me in the first 5 seconds of your song I am moving on". That is not verbatim, but it is close and true to what he was saying. I say, I would never have listened to an entire Police or Sting album if I had that attitude.

2. "You have to write every day, work it like a muscle if you want it to get any better". Once again, not verbatim. Been there, done that, hate it. I want inspiration to dictate when I write. Doing it as he suggests turns it into nothing more than an exercise and he has zero proof that it is going to make anyone a better writer or produce better material. I don't want my music/writing to feel like work, I want it to be fun and that is where inspiration takes me!

I do love his work and he is talented!
The more time goes on, the happier I am I came of age as a guitarist before the digital world came to be. The “turn the knobs until it does what I want it to and move on” never really left me, the absolute last thing I think when using Fractal stuff, the editor or the AxeFX/FM9 is “I wish this did more stuff or did it differently”